Justin Stop

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Ariana POV

Justin started punch him I started yelling. I went and pulled justin off him with all my strength.

Me: what

Justin: you were kissing him

Me: I was looking at his eyes

Justin: sorry

Me: goo justin just go home

Justin went and left to room while I went and grab water and paper towels. I went and started cleaning up Alex eye.

Me: I'm sorry

Alex: it's okay I'm fine go home

Me: okay I need to talk to him

I went home and walked start up to justin and slapped him Nash and Frankie we're in shock.

Me: how could you

Nash: dang she slapped him dumb hard

Me: how could you

Justin: I'm sorry

Me: my Bestfriend

Justin: I thought you to we're kissing

I went and slapped him again and then once more .

Me: how do you like it

Justin: do you feel better

Me: yeah

Justin: now I'm sorry

Me: it's okay

~one month later~

Me and justin are doing good justin told Alex he was sorry about hitting him and Alex was cool about everything. But today I'm going on the Ellen show with justin jr cause the rest of the kids will watch from the back. I went got ready in my favorite rip pants and red shirt and some sneaker while justin jr wore some random pants a shirt and his superal. We went walked on stage and sat down.

Me: hi

Ellen: hi Ariana

Me: wats been up

Ellen: nothing so Ariana you and Alex

Me: what about us

Ellen: what's been up

Me: nothing just last weekend he took Julianna for the weekend

Ellen: do you let him with the kids

Me: yeah at least 3 times a week he always come over and plays with them and at least once a month he takes his god daughter for the weekend

Ellen: how do you describe there bond

Me: honestly like Bestfriends she always happy to see Alex or liane it's like both of them make a effort to be with her

Ellen: how much you trust Alex

Me: a lot like I trust him with mine and my kids life

Ellen: that's a lot

Me: yeah

Ellen: is justin jr a momma boy

Me: yeah and I love it

Ellen: which girls a daddy girl

Me: jacky Jacky's always with justin

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