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Ciara POV

I left my house cause I smell smoke and I saw the house on fire I went inside and saw Rachel on the floor I went and tried to help her out. I got her outside and Jacob pulled up.

Me: call 911 now

I went and started doing cpr. I didn't care if my lips touched her she's like my sister.

Me: Rachel don't you quit on me

I continue to do it I left her neck and I had a pulse.

Me: Jacob there a pulse

By that time everyone in the neighbor was around us.

Jacob: ambulance is coming now

Me: good help me

Jacob started doing CPR he wouldn't stop someone was calling him I picked up it was Ariana.

Ariana: hey baby

Me: Ariana

Ariana: Ciara what's up

Me: I'm at Rachel's house with Jacob someone set her house on fire can you please come now

Ariana: I'm coming

Me: Jacob your moms coming

Jacob: okay

Me: wait let me check for a pulse

I check her neck she still has a pulse I look up to see the ambulance

Jacob went in I went in patties car and we follow it.

Pattie: what happen

Me: I smelled smoke I ran to see her house on fire and she looked at me and her eyes start to shut

When we were at the hospital I was right by Rachel's side so was jacob.

Me: she's gonna be okay

Jacob: I know

The doctor walks in with a sour face

Jacob POV

Me and Ciara were talking when the doctor walked out with a sour face.

Me: what happen

Doctor: she's not responding to our treatment

Nurse: Doctor the patient is awake

Doctor: I spoke too soon son would you like to see her

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