The message

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Justin POV

So lately I've been getting black mailed and I didn't want to tell ari cause I don't want to worry her but the person text me say to go to the beach. I went to see a girl holding a gun.

Her: listen Bieber or ur family gets it

Me: you even touch my family you'll die

Her: who should go first wait I know your love of your life ari then your brother and sister then the kids

Me: I will kill you if you touch

Her: then revalue your past to ari

Me: she know everything

Her: not about the girl from 8 years old to 15 years old what was her

Me: don't say it she's in my past she's behind me

Her: you honestly care a lot about her

Me: shut up

Her: tell ari and this will go away

Me: fine

I went to the store and got some candy and stuff. So ari thinks I was getting some food or something.


After Justin left I watch some tv waiting for him. I wonder where he went I was about to call him when he walked in through the door. I smiled as I stood up and gave him a hug he hugged me back and kiss my lips. I looked in the bag to see he got sour patches.

Me: what's this for

Justin: i was hungry for candy

Me: wow so you went up and bought it

Justin: yeah

Me: baby

Justin: yeah

Me: let's play a game

Justin: okay you first

Me: how do you feel with having Rose to the family

Justin: baby I love it I love her she's full of energy like

Me: you

Justin: okay

Me: your turn

Justin: other than me what boyfriend was your 2 favorite

Me: Nash

Justin: you dated Nash

Me: when we were 7 he dated for a week but we never kiss

Justin: oh

Me: yeah like at that age we didn't know so I was sure and then a week late we his parents fight and we were like we don't want that so we stood friends

Justin: that cool

Me: yeah umm whose yours

Justin: none

Me: oh

Me and Justin cuddled up with each other and went to bed.

Justin POV

~ 4 months later~

So not much had over the four months I never told Ariana about my ex but the girl stop black mailing me. Since today's a nice day me and ari went to the bowling alley after the criminal thing. Oh yeah after the first season they asked Ariana to stay with them for a few more season and she loves it so I'm happy for her.

Ariana: so baby me rose and Justin jr are going to make cupcakes

In the bowling alley there's a section were you can make cupcake. So me jacky Jaxon and jazzy are bowling while Julianna is with my mom. After bowling for an hour I was help jacky bowl I heard a girl call my name. I turned around to see is it her.

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