I'm..... But I'm

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Ariana POV

I went to Justin room to see him sleeping but he had a bloody nose and a broke foot. I cried to my self like I'm done with my life like I don't deserve Justin like my life is the worst and it keeps getting worst by the second. I went and called Alex and told him to get pattie and the kids and get down here and he was like okay be there in 20. I went by Justin side holding his hand just praying that he'll be okay. Then I heard mommy I look to see Justin Jr jazzy Jaxon Julianna Jacky. I went and hugged them then pattie and Alex. Jacky quickly ran to her daddy's side. And when she did that Juli started cry I went took her to the side and change her and gave her a warm bottle of milk. I smile her eye are like mine her nose and lips are like Justin it's so cute. I look over to Justin to see pattie kissing his head and coming over to me and Juli. I know she worried I'm worried to I would have been worried if that was Justin Jr.

Pattie: what happen

Me: we went to meet my father my real father and he didn't want us together so just said he love me and my father hit him and I went to push my dad away and he hurt my leg and I didn't look at the rest

Pattie: oh my god

Me: I'm so sorry

Pattie: it's not your fault baby

Me: thank you I'm gonna be right back I just gonna go for a walk

Pattie: okay

I started walking and I was crying and crying like the love of my life is in the hospital cause of me. I went to sit down when I turned around I saw Justin Jr. I smiled and hugged him.

~one month later~

Hey guys Justin got out of the hospital and he haven't let me out of his sight and he's super jealous more than before. I told him to go hang out with his friends but it's about 3 in the morning. Then Justin came inside drunk I was so pissed.

Me: you had me worried I thought something happen to you

Justin: chill ari

Me: I'm not gonna chill cause you didn't text or call what if you would had died on what you were to busy getting drunk and what you fought about the kids

Justin: no

Me: Justin I can't live like this look at you you honestly want a girl who doesn't care that you go to get drunk and don't call okay I use to be like that but now think about the kids what if you died what will I tell then what will I tell my self

Justin: then you can leave

Me: fine

I went upstairs and started packing my things. Justin tried to stop me but he couldn't I have all of my thing and the kids. I went carried the twins in the car then jazzy then Jaxon then last but not least Julianna. I went and started driving away I was so mad I don't want to be near him I'm going home not in Atlanta but I'm taking them to Florida and Justin doesn't know this but for 8 years of my life I lived in New York but this is going to be a long drive. Own our way to ny I saw crying and crying and crying he doesn't care for me or the kids. When we finally got to New York all the kids were up asking we here and stuff. I went to this mansion which is conceded house. He let us inside I put everything in our rooms while conceded bought food for us. When I was done conceded came and hugged me.

Conceded: so what's up

Me: just had a fight with Justin

Conceded: we'll you know you can stay for how long you want

Me: thanks

I went to check up on the kids when I got a call from Justin. I smiled and put it in my pocket after like the 15 time he called I decided to pick it up.

Me: what

Justin: baby I'm sorry I was drunk

Me: Justin we have kids and they should be around this stuff and jazzy and Jaxon either okay so you need to find out who you are before you could be near my kid

Justin: our kids

Me: my kids

Justin: our

Me: I don't have time for this

Justin: what you mean

Me: bye

I went a ended the call and look at the kids and took a deep breath. I'm going on tour soon and I guess there coming with me. there my kids and unless I see this change for the better none of these kids should go through it.

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