I dont know

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Ariana P.O.V

I kept on say I'm not good enough for you Justin I'm good enough for Jai and then Justin heard me.

Justin: Ari no I'm not good for you I can't believe I'm dating someone as beautiful as you and Jai let you go cause he was to blind to see what he had in front of him

Me: thanks Justin

Justin: babe it's true don't forget it

I smiled at Justin at. I love him no matter what he's always there to make me smile and to tell me how beautiful I am..

Justin: babe me and boys hang out today and tomorrow

Me: yea sure

I can't believe Justin forgot tomorrow is our one month anniversary. I can't believe it I thought he would remember about us but I guess not.

Justin's P.O.V

I told Ari that me and the boys are gonna hang out today and tomorrow we'll yes it's true but tomorrow it's our anniversary so I got a little surprise. I went got up gave her a kiss and started to get ready to hang out with the boys. When I went upstairs I went on twitter. @Justinbieber hey hanging with the boys I wish I could hang you with each and every one of you I love you. Went put on my outfit and lest the house

Ariana P.O.V

When Justin left I decided to go out have fun so I went put my wiged in and some random jeans and a shirt. I left my house and went to my really close friend Demi's house to hang out.

~at Demi's~

Me: hey demi

Demi: hey girl

Me: I got a problem and want to come to you

Demi: sure what is it

Me: Justin forget that its our anniversary tomorrow

Demi: how about I call the girls and we eat some pizza and play truth or dare

Me: okay

Demi's P.O.V

I went took out my phone and called a lot of girls to hang out.

Me: hello

Little mix: yea

Me: do you want to come over to hang

Little mix: yea

Me: okay

And then I called Cher Lloyd,Miley,and Samantha. Then all said they will come and we will party so I asked Ari if she wanted to come and get some balloons and soda she said sure. We went bought the balloons and soda and we were on are way home. When I put the radio on and it was Justin's new song all that matter. When the song finish they call Justin on the phone

Radio guy: hey

Justin: hey what's up everyone

Radio guy: Justin who odd you write that song all that matters is it about Selena or Ariana

Justin: bro I'm done with Selena like she cheated on my with Jai so I didn't need someone whose gonna break my heart

Radio guy: so whose the song for

Justin: for my beautiful girlfriend Ariana Grande even if were weren't dating she's still my close friend and I don't want anything to effect that

Radio guy: that's sweet dude how long have you guys been dating

Justin: 24 days

Radio guy: oh the Biebs

Justin: yea okay any other questions

Radio guy: umm what's your favorite song on journals

Justin: right now swap it out its a up beat song and you just have fun

Radio guy: okay I wish you and Ariana the best of lucky

Justin: thank you

Ariana looked at me with sad eyes. I can't bare to see her like this I parked the car in my drive way.

Me: are you okay

Ariana: no Justin said 24 it's 27 tomorrow it our one month anniversary

Me: it's okay

Ariana: let's just have fun

Me: yea let's go

~at the party~

Ariana was really having fun dancing with Samantha and little mix while I was dancing with Cher Lloyd and Miley. We eat some pizza dance just having fun trying to be normal

Justin P.O.V

After the radio show I new I lied but I didn't want Ariana to heard I want her to think I forgot about our anniversary. I went hanged out with the boys kidding around
What do you think about Justin lying to Ariana
Would you be mad like Ariana

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