Jimmy show

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Justin POV

Jimmy: he started at the age of 15 he's 20 and he has 50 million fans welcome Justin Bieber

Me: hey hey

Jimmy: so how's thing

Me: its okay

Jimmy: good good how's you and Ariana

Me: we are not together

Jimmy: why what happen

Me: the pap got to much but I told her to help me with my concert like open up for me and she said sure

Jimmy: ohh

Me:yeah but I got to be strong for the fans

Jimmy: is it gonna be hard working together

Me: yea but im in the game I don't hate her I think she a beautiful young women and made we could date again

Jimmy: I hope it works for yo

Me: thank you

Jimmy: that's all we have time for

Me: bye I love you


After I was on the Jimmy show I went to the studio's. I walked inside and started walking to the door the said Justin bieber when I walked in I went gave Ari a hug and a kiss. she smiled and giggled which I love.

Me: hey baby

Ari: hey you ready

Me: yeah sure lets do this

We went into the recording booth. And started recording our new song together. Every time Ari would sing I would stop and stare st her beautiful eye's.

Me: Ari are you doing anything today

Ari: nope

Me: can you come to my house it's my mom's birthday

Ari: yes

Me: yes

Ari: let's go

Me: okay

We walked in to hear kissing I walked in to see


Hey sorry I haven't updated im sorry its hard because umm my teacher just died on the 31 by a heart attack she was 41 and another teacher has breast cancer and I sprang my wrist I just wanted to inform you guys on what's happening

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