Family is everything

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Ariana POV

Liane: yes

I heard someone call my name I turned around to see Alfredo I ran up to him and gave him and scooter a hug. It feels like since forever since me and Alfredo seen each other. Alfredo whispered hey baby sis I missed you. I looked at him and said I missed you too. I smiled as we all eat some food played volley ball. Me and girls talked about everything.

Liane: Ariana how do you and justin have this perfect relationship

Beyoncé: yeah

Me: it's not perfect we both understand each other

Liane: what you mean

Me: justin knows how to push my button so he doesn't do it

Liane: oh

Me: yeah respect is what a relationship needs

Beyoncé: yeah

Justin: baby come here

Me: you come here

Justin: please baby

Me: fine

I went got up and walked over to justin to find out the minute I walked up to him he gave me a kiss on the lips and he told me to kiss the cool I went and kiss his cheek. I smiled as I passed out the food to everyone. We all finished our food and watched the sunset.

Justin: we all been through a lot these past years

Me: yeah but right now this is our new chapter forget

Liane: all the break up

Beyoncé: heart break

Me: bein kidnapped

Justin: and psycho exs

Me: but now it's a brand new chapter and it's time to let go of the past

Justin: and start believing

And with that I would like to say good bye we'll not yet I got a surprise for you

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