Special day pt 2

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Justin POV

I started modeling and stuff and my director brought in the girl I didn't look at her cause ari was on my mind but she was touch my abs from behind. Then something was on my leg which was juli jacky justin jr jazzy Jaxon rose Jessa Jennifer Jordyn. The girls arms were still around my waist. I turned around to see Ariana I went and carried her when she wrapped her legs around my waist and she kissed me and all the kids were around us and then a flash went off. Ari smiled and looked and I went and kissed her cheek.

Me: I love you

Ari: same to you best friend

Me: oh so were like that

Ari: no but we're are bestfriend

Me: always

Ari: and forever

Me Justin and the kids went to chucke cheese and it was fun we all played games. Alex Brent and Nash meet us there. Rose and Brent where hanging out lot. Jacky and Nash were playing in the ball pit and it was so cute. And last out not least Julianna and Alex where dancing I still can't believe what I saw but I love them both. Me and Justin where watching the rest of the kids Justin jr jazzy Jaxon Jessa Jennifer Jordyn.

Me: we have so much kids

Justin: yeah

Me: triplets

Justin: I got it in

Me: shut up

Justin: I will if I get a kiss

Me: fine

I went and kiss Justin he went and grab me by the waist and just looked at me. I smiled when Justin let go of me I went and took Jordyn Jaxon and Jennifer and got more tokens. We were playing all day. My stomach been killing me so I'm going to hospital but I'm not tell no one I'm taking the triplets and rose are coming with me. While we were waiting Jennifer started playing with a boy.

Me: Jennifer having fun

Another mom: Matthew having fun

Me: hi

Her: hi I'm Matthews mom

Me: Jennifer's mom

Her: it looks like there enjoying each other

Me: yeah

Her: what brings you here

Me: stomach pain

Her: maybe your pregnant

Me: maybe what are you here for

Her: Stomach pain too I'm checking to see if umm pregnant

Me: oh

Her: I'm Sam

Me: Ariana

Sam: look at Jennifer and Matthew

Me: aww

Jennifer and Matthew were playing and while they were playing Matthew grabbed her face and kissed her. It was so cute that I took a picture. Me and Sam were talking when we had to do the ultrasound. Me and Sam exchange numbers and promise to text after the ultrasound. I went inside the room and sat down the kids. The lady put the gel on my stomach. When she was done i cleaned the gel of my while I waited.

Lady: hey Ariana

Me: what's up

Lady: Ariana

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