Justin's in the hospital

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Ariana POV

I was sitting with Demi talking about the kids and what should I do. When Justin called me I didn't even answer I'm honestly pissed with him when should I should I talk to him. Then Kenny called me I went slide answer and put him on speaker so Demi could hear him.

Me: hello

Kenny: ari

Me: yeah

Kenny: Justin in the hospital

Me: I'll be there in 5

When he said hospital my heart drop. So Demi drove us to the hospital I went rushed upstairs to Justin room.

Lady: you can't come i

Me: lady I'm pregnant with twins they are kicking and it hurts I want to see my husband

Lady: yeah sorry

Me: oh my god

I walked in to see doctors all over him a lady try to get me put

Another lady: you half to go

Me: I'm pregnant with twins which are both kicking in to different direction okay I want to see my husband now!!!!

Another lady: I'm candy

Me: Ariana

Candy: so do you know what happen

Me: um we are both famous and I got mad at him cause I saw a picture of him with another girl you know getting comfortable and I told him he need to figure out what's important in life and he left crying

Candy: thank you we understand

Me: what happen

Candy: we was mad with himself so he hit the wall multiple times hit glasses and banged his head a good 7 times

Me: did he ever say anything

Candy: thank he love you and the twins

Me: this is all my fault

Candy: no sweety the doctor are doing everything possible

I went up to him and grabbed his hand and said sorry.

Doctor: can I talk to you

Me: yes

Doctor: your the wife

Me: yes

Doctor: your husband is fine so far but

Me: what

Doctor: he's Ina comma

Me: oh my god you think he'll miss the birth

Doctor: maybe but he might have a chance of wake up this month or something

Me: oh my god

Doctor: Mrs

Me: Bieber

Doctor: Mrs: Bieber I advise you to eat when ever you feel hungry even a little since you are carrying twins and don't be stress do something relaxing

Me: okay

Demi: what you gonna do

Me: doctor here's my number call me if he wakes up

Doctor: will do

Demi: I'm gonna take you some where

Me: okay

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