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Jaxon POV

3rd kid of Jariana

Hi I'm 27 years old and my brother is justin Bieber. My dad and mom aren't here but Ariana and Justin are like my mom and dad. They treats me like there own kids. Today's the big I'm getting married to Demi. I got already in my tux. I sat I front of everyone while the music. Then out of no where my beautiful bride came out looking beautiful like always. I love Demi me and her understand each other and we are like each other Bestfriend. So seeing my Bestfriend going down to me is like the best feeling in the world. Demi went and held my hand and looked me in the eye and she smiled and said I do. I looked at her an said I do and we are now man and wife. We walked out of the church holding hand and went to our reception place which was Demi dream and I loves to see her smile. It's time for the first dance and we are dancing to Ed sheeran thinking out loud. She loves that song it's a good song for a slow dance I think.

Demi: I'm happy

Me: me too were finally married

Demi: yeah

Me: your mine forever

Demi: I was your the minute we made us official

After the dance my dad went on stage to say something.

Dad: okay everyone I would like to say some words for these two people Jaxon my son so I've always been there for him no matter what but when Demi came into his life he was more happy more open and I remember telling my wife like I gotta meet this girl she seems like amazing person she honestly helping our son be a better person and it kinda made me think if me and ari she made me a better man so I told her there going to get married no doubt about it and I happy to say I was right and I would to welcome Demi to the Bieber family and I hope you and son last for a long time.

I smiled at my dad's speech as he finished I kissed Demi's cheek. And she was blushing like crazy it was cute. It was time for cake and i was excited we are having red velvet cake. When we had our piece of cake I took the cream part and put it on her noise and and she did the same to me.

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