Prince Royce

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Prince Royce POV

So I'm a dad now to a little girl and a little boy. My little girl Angela is 1 years old now and my little boy Ramon is two months. But my baby girl Marie is so happy she wants me at the studio. I told her I will but she can call me if anything.

Me: I love you

Marie: I love you too and so does your fans

I left the house and drove to the studio and started singing my new song dart un beso. Which is for my baby girl and I can't wait for it to drop on Mother's Day. Marie is honestly my world my life like I love her to death. And just to know she's mine and I get to go home to two beautiful kids and a beautiful wife is all i need. I turned on the tv and it showed how me and Marie met.

~2 years ago~

Marie POV

Hey I'm Marie I'm 18 so me and the guy been talking lately and I'm falling in love with this guy Geoffrey. He says he famous but I never heard of him I feel like he lied and we never meet so I wanna meet and my friend from catfish asked if I want to do it on there I said sure. So nev came over my house.

Nev: so what's with you and Geo

Me: we started talking about a year and a half ago and we meet through social media and we started talking and like 6 months into talking I asked him like can we meet I wanna meet you and he said he can't he's on tour

Nev: did you know he was famous

Me: no so I was pretty shocked

Nev: what do you wanna get out of this

Me: I wana see his face and see if he's really famous

Nev: have you ever video chatted

Me: no I haven't even see a picture

Nev: have you guys talked on the phone

Me: yeah we would talk on the phone for hours

Me and nev talked some more and he went to his hotel to look up Geo.

~next day~

Nev: so I learn some things about Geoffrey or geo

Me: yeah

Nev: I called the number a guy picked up and I asked for geo and he said this is Jorge phone

Me: oh my god

Nev: I tried to look up the name of the phone and it wouldn't let me

Me: what

Nev: I message hep and he message me like an hour later saying he's in la but he said he will come to flordia to meet you

Me: really

Nev: he took a picture 3 hours later showing he bought a ticket

Me: I can't believe it

Nev: yeah he said to tell him where to meet him

Me: yeah I live at this beach so I'll tell him to meet us there since no one cause be there

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