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Ariana POV

*chapter before*

After a few moments Jennifer found were he was he was his old house that he lived in before he moved. We went to that house we didn't see Justin but the girls were looking upstair while I was looking downstairs and I found a lot of blood in the kitchen. I started crying what if he's dead. Shortly after the girl came to the kitchen and said he wasn't up there and when they told me they saw my blood and scared I hugged me as we all started crying on each other shoulder and al I though is is my husband the father of my children the love of my life is he dead or is he still alive? He half to be alive he can't be does he just can't I can't explain it but I have a feeling stronger than a feeling like I know for some reason he's alive and he's not dead and this is not his blood this could be a lie but I half to hope I half to have faith he's alive for my girls I don't want them to give up hope until a corner ( I forgot how you spell but there the people cut open people who pass to find out what happen) tell us that Justin Drew Bieber had passed away but until then I'm gonna search for him until the day I die cause the love of my life.

*This chapter*

After crying for a few moments I heard someone clapping. Out of no where it was a tape playing. It said last pit stop to the theater I had fun. I took the girls to the theater I told them someone words

Me: girls your father use to sing on these steps at the age of 12 he got money and for him a fifty dollar bill is a lot but I want you guys to know that me and your father had so much to deal with growing up and we don't want you guys to worry about money about anything cause really it's hard.

Jordyn: mom do you think dad still alive

Me: yes until I see his body I sill believe and will always he's always be alive

Jennifer: mom what if he is

Me: baby don't think that way your father is okay don't worry he needs

Me and the girls went inside I saw Justin tied up and out of no where I heard clapping. I could make out who it was. But then I saw clearly it was Justin ex.

Her: well well well

Me: how many time do I half to fight you ex girlfriends

Justin couldn't talk cause his month was duck tape shut. The girl punch just and then pointed a gun at him. I went and use my super speed to take the gun out of her hand. Then the gun went of three time and all you heard was bang! Bang !

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