Chris Brown

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Chris brown POV

I got a call from Jordan she was in labor I grabbed her pregnancy bag and drove straight to the hospital. When I got there the doctor me she had to push now I held jordan hand as she squeezed it as hard as she could and counted to 3 and said push. 1!2!3! Push!!! And after and hour of push my little boy was here he was 7 pounds and 11 ounce he was perfect. I smiled as I looked at him and Jordan. Ahhhhh jordan I could still remember the day we meet.

~7 years ago~

I was sing my song don't judge me and during this song I take a random girl and say please don't judge me and I won't judge you cause things can get ugly before it gets beautiful. And after I did it I went back stage to see beyonce came to support me with her two daughter. I looked at her twins they were my age but I could help but stare at one of them.

Me: hi I'm Chris brown

Her: Jordan

Jordan sister: Blu

Me: beyonce Blu and Jordan I actually was gonna go mini gilding would you wanna come

Beyonce: no baby thank you I just want to introduce you to my daughter I have my own should to do

Me: okay so Blu Jordan

Jordan: yeah why not

Blu: I'm performing mind with my mom

Me: next time

Blu: yeah

Me and Jordan went minigulf and it was amazing she was so cute.

Me: okay if I could make this difficult shot you owe me a kiss on he lips and you half to stay over my house

Jordan: deal

I was praying I would make the shot I hit the ball and shortly after I made it.

Me: a kiss and you half to stay over

Jordan: I would make this offer better I will make breakfast you can kiss me as many time as you want while I'm over your house for seven days and we can go out to another place

Me: okay what I half to do

Jordan: get to more shot in this one and another shot in any other one

Me: okay

I went and close my as as I made that shot again and for my second one to do I picked an easy one and made the shot.

Jordan: okay I owe you

Me: right now

Jordan: what a kiss

Me: yeah bae

Jordan: I'm bae now

Me: yeah well not officially but pretty soon

Jordan: why not now

Me: you wanna be my bae my beautiful girlfriend for ever

Jordan: yeah

I smiled as me and her kissed.

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