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Justin's P.O.V

I was finishing up on my last few photos when someone kissed me on my cheek.I looked up to see Ariana smiling at me I went and gave her a hug bear hug and I. kissed the top of her head. Then I posed a few more pictures with Ari it was so funny just kidding around with my bestfriend. Then the beliebers came in it was like a meet and greet asking question especially about me and Ari. After we finished the meet and greet it was still 5 so me and Ari decided to go the mall.

*at the mall*

Lately me and Ari been spending time because Jay broke up with her so now she calls me Jay. Me and Ari stop by build a bear worker shop and before you start say you guys are nineteen we'll I didn't get to do the things you guys do so I try to do something's. I went and made one for Ari and Ari made one for me. Mine was a bear holding a heart that said I love you and when you touch the belly I will say hey Ari it's Justin I love you, you are my best friend and I will always be here for you no matter what. I did mine and wait for her when I saw Ariana smiling I just melt I love this girl till the end and nothing will change it. You guys might be wondering what happen to Selena we'll she cheated on me.


I finished up in the studio and went to Selena's place to hangout I open the door with the extra key she gave me. I walked in to see Selena and Jay brooks doing it.

Selena: Jay should we be doing this I mean we both are dating other people

Jay: we have been doing this for a year know I don't even care

Jay went and kissed her so she and Jay wants to do this I took a bunch of pictures and sent them to tmz.

*end of flashback*

Ariana walked out and we decided to go to a few other more. Then we went back to my place Ariana went upstairs to take a bath while I cook she's spending the night so I bought her a outfit. I finished making Mac and cheese so I went upstairs and took a bath in my other bathroom. When I finished I went downstairs to see Ariana picking out a movie. I sat down gave Ari her bowl of Mac and Cheese.

Ari: Justin I have something to tell you

Me: what

Ari: I'm signed with scooter and I'm going with you on believe tour

Me: oh that's cool

when the movie finished I looked at Ari and then at her pink plump lips. I lick my lips then I try to decided if I should kiss her or not.

Me: Ari

Ari: yea Ja-

I stopped her by kissing her in the mouth

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