I remember

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~two week later~

Alex POV

Me and Ariana are just going to my house for Bestfriend time we haven't did Bestfriend time in a while. We went inside and sat down. Oh and ari was never pregnant the doctor said he even showed us no baby.

Ari: Alex I remember

Me: what

Ari: we use to date

Me: yeah

Ari: do you have beer

Me: yeah in the kitchen

Ariana went to the kitchen I smiled thinking she remember about us. When she came back she had 5 bottle then she went to the kitchen and got 5 more then finally 8 more.

Me: what you doing

Ari: we're getting drunk today cause I told justin that me and you are gonna have a weekend together

Me: okay

~few hour later~

Me and are both drank 10 beer each I was real so was ari. Ari went to the bathroom while I was still in my room laying on the bed. Ariana came back in her short and crop top.

Me: why would you wear that

Ari: cause

Me: we'll this turns me on and it makes me want to kiss you

Ari: why don't you

Me: I don't know I can't remember

Ari: okay then

Ariana walked over to me and started making out with me. I guess I was so drunk I forgot she was married I don't know but at the moment it felt so good. Me and Ariana were all in it it was like when we were dating. Ariana took off my shirt and pants. She took off hers to then she took off her bra while i was kissing her. The next thing I know we were doing it.

Ari: I love you

Me: I love you too

Ari: aww

Me: ari wait

Ari: what

Me: Justin

Ari: oh yeah

Me: yeah

Ari: but I love you too I want to be with you

Me: but you love justin too

Ari: yeah but I wanna be with both of you

Me: I don't know

Ari: I'll talk to justin about this

Me: okay

Ari: but can I get another kiss

Me: ari

Ari: please

Me: there now go to your room

Ari: okay

I looked up thinking about what happen like that wasn't right what's gonna. I fell asleep and then like at 8 am ari woke me up.

Me: what

Ari: get up we're hanging out today

Me: fine

Ari: why don't I have a hang over

Me: vampires don't get hang over

Ari: oh we'll go get ready

Me: fine

Ariana POV

I barely remember what happen last night but I don't care I'm hang out with my Bestfriend/ex. To say the truth I want to be Alex but I want justin too. So it's like dang it's hard. Me and Alex are going laser tagging but just us are playing. So when we were ready we took his car and went to the laser tag place. When we got there we suited up and hid. After 15 minutes of looking I saw Alex right there and I grab him and threw his gun.

Me: what you gonna do

Alex: kiss you

I look at him and he took my gun and pointed it at me

Alex: or not

Me: I hate you

Alex: we'll our already dead

Me and Alex played all day at the end he went and took me home. I hugged him and went inside to see justin and Frankie with the kids.

Justin: hey baby girl

Me: hey

Justin: the kids were good

Me: can we talk upstairs

Justin: yeah

Me and justin went in our room and I locked the door behind us.

Justin: what's up

Me: on Friday me and Alex got drunk and I realize something

Justin: what

Me: I'm in love you Alex

Justin: so you love him

Me: and you too

Justin: ohh

Me: but while I was drunk me and Alex made out

Justin: what

Me: baby look at us

Justin: you cheated on me

Me: my feeling for Alex will never change and my feeling for you will never change

Justin: so what you want to do

Me: I don't know

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