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1st kid of Beyonce and Channing

I'm not like everyone else I'm still looking for that special someone. Growing up Channing wasn't my father but he's sure is better than my dad. One thing he can't teach my about is how to love my kids. But how come he don't want me. He just left me and sister behind how could he do that my mom Channing are made for each other. Growing up Channing made sure he was a father figure in my life he would spoil me and would make me humble remember that I grew up with a dad and even though he's not my dad. He told that not all guys are like my father that he owned up for my father responsibility and in really proud to call him dad. Cause he didn't had to do it. But long story short I don't trust men I don't trust people cause of what me sperm donor did that right he's not my father cause a father is a man whose there for his kids and does chicken out.

Today im working with kids and single mother who having a hard time I want them to know there not alone.

Me: hi

Mom: hi I'm Amanda and this is my daughter Chloe

Chloe: hi

Amanda: why are you here

Me: I help family well mother and children who father left

Amanda: oh

Me: so what happen

Amanda : when I was pregnant with Chloe I thought he loved it but when I told him he said that I'm dumb that my responsibility and not his and he left me and Chloe to survive on our own

Me: how old is this cutie

Amanda: 3

Me: how has is been paying the bill

Amanda: hard we had to give up 4 house I try to be strong for her but it's hard I work day and night to keep food on the table

Me: Chloe

Chloe: yeah

Me: I'm gonna buy your mommy a house and give her 2o thousand dollar for starter money and I'm gonna buy you a lot of toy and you and your mom new clothes

Amanda: are you joking

Me: no

Amanda: thank you but why

Me: growing up my dad left me too and now I'm going and helping mothers whose giving everything up for there kids and honestly you need it I don't need the money

Amanda: thank god bless you

Me: well I bought a house would you and Sophie like to see it

Amanda: yeah

I took Amanda to the house and she covered her month I already put toys clothes food in there Amanda saw what I did and cover her mouth.

Amanda: thank you

Chloe: is this for me

Me: yeah all these toy

Amanda: do I half to pay you back

Me: no but I'll call every now and then to check up to see how you and Chloe doing but Amanda this is your new life this is your new start to spend more time with your daughter to have one job you deserve to spend time with your daughter and I want you to remember to be the best partner you already are

Amanda: thank you

Me: Chloe how do you like your new house

Chloe: yeah

Me: Amanda one more thing

Amanda: oh my god a iPhone I can't

Me: I already paid the bill for that and your other bill for 6 moths you can look for a new job but I'm gonna FaceTime you to see how you too are doing

~ 3 years later~

No one POV

Amanda got on her feet and started being there for Chloe and she was able to pay all her bills but everytime Blu come one birthday or holiday Blu give them 5 to 10 thousand dollars of spending money for them. Chloe love Blu and calls Blu her big sister.

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