The call

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Me: hello

Justin: hey baby

me: hey jay when are you gonna be home

Justin: 2 minutes

Me: okay I'll see you in two minutes

I went clicked end Jason went and jumped out of my window. I'm so happy but he will be back soon. I went ran downstairs and started to get the ingredients for spaghetti out. Then Justin comes through the door. I went and started getting ready to make dinner. Then I felt hands around my waist and then her his voice say something.

Justin: guess who

Me: is it my wonderful wonderful boyfriend

Justin: and soon to be husband of your kids

Me: really

Justin: yep Justin Jr or name it Jason

Me: I don't like that name

Justin: how about Derek

Me: okay the first boy is Justin Jr

Justin: ok and girls names could be Amanda and a cause thats what your name starts with an A

Me: yea baby I love it

Justin: yeah

Me: Justin

Justin: yeah Ari

Me: I want to give you a test

Justin: okay shoot

Me: what did I get us on our two year friend anniversary

Justin: you got me and A and I got you a J

Me: you remember

Justin: okay when we were friends I said if I could date some one else other than you ir would be

Me: Miley or Demi

Justin: yepp

Me: so baby

Justin: yeah babe

Me: I was wondering if u work tomorrow

Justin: yea but I'll be back to help with dinner

Me: good

Justin: yea I will make dinner tomorrow

Me: no no no baby I will

Justin: for real I will

Me: Jay we half to talk about something

Justin: yea

Me: it's about when I kidnap it's really really important and I'm scared to death


Will she tell Justin about Jason

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