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Ariana POV

Me and Justin went to dance with Nick and our dancers.

Nick: since I had to find out you pregnant I want to take it easy

Me: why does everyone say that okay I'm pregnant yeah I got a kid inside of me but I still want to sing and dance like Justin is

Nick: you think you can

Me: I know I can

Nick: okay what song first

Me: beauty and a beat

Nick: yes and Justin and Ariana

Me: yeah

Nick: you to half to write a song together since you are on tour

Me: we are already writing

Nick: okay Beauty and the beat the boys and girls are gonna be pretending to be partying like the video to distract everyone and Ariana your gonna be in the crowd wearing a disguise and when you come on stage your take it off and your gonna sing Nicki lines and some of Justin's

Me: okay should I talk to beliebers

Nick: yes you should

Me: okay so like victorious when I talk off everything piece by piece

Nick: yep

Me: okay after that

Nick: we'll the crowd that's dancing Justin gonna be in it and when it's his turn justin your gonna come out of the crowd and 3 of the girl dance will be on you and your just gonna look for you wife which 3 guys while be around her and she's being looking for you

Me: awes

Justin: okay

Nick: yeah you guys get out of the groups after Ariana sings the rap which is I got keep my off ari you too face each other smile and continued sing and go to the crowd and start sing back and fourth and at the end you to walk back and look and the crowd and kiss

Justin: I like it

Me: yeah me too

Nick: ready lets do it

We went and practice this dance about 5 times. I smiled at Justin and grabbed a drink of water.

Nick: perfect guys

Me: thanks

Nick: you okay

Me: yeah hungry

Nick: oh

Justin: well what you want

Me: I don't know chickfila

Justin: okay

Me: thanks nick see you tomorrow

Nick: bye

I went inside the car while Justin and nick we talking. Wow they are kicking maybe hungry or wants me to sit.

Justin: umm baby

Me: yeah

Justin half to tell me something..

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