I don't know

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Ariana POV

I went ran home as quick as I could since I was 5 more minutes away. I went grabbed my suit case and packed up. As I was about to leave Justin stopped me.

Me: I got to go think for a while

Justin: no baby I love you and I would do anything for you

Me: I love you too but I'm scared

Justin: of what me

Me: no tour belieber

Justin: baby I love them yes but I love you too

Me: what if they hurt me

Justin: I'll hurt them back

Me: I'm scared they wouldn't accepted me

Justin: they will

Me: okay

Justin: so will you take your ring back

Me: yesss baby

Justin: I can't wait to grow old with you

Me: me too

Justin: baby come with me

Me: where

Justin: you'll see

We went into the car and drove to some place I think patties house. Yep Patties house I went jumped off the car and and ran to Pattie to give her a hug.

Me: hey mom

Pattie: hey Ari

Justin: mom is dad here

Pattie: yes he's staying here for a few with the kids cause he want to move around here

Justin: hey dad

Jeremy: hey

Justin: we got some new to tell everyone

We went inside and went to the living rooms where Jaxon and Jazzy ran into my arms I went and gave them a kiss. Justin walked behind me and wrapped Hus arms around my waist

Justin: so I got some news for everyone

Jeremy: you got her pregnant

Me: no

Justin: were engaged

Mom: omg baby's

I went and gave Pattie a hug

Me: I'm scared that the beliebers will attack me cause he's there Justin

Pattie: no Justin wouldn't let them

Justin POV

From: ????

To: Justin

Hey baby what are you doing I love you 😘😘

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