What's my surprise

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Justin POV

Me: what is it

Guy: I know your a Beyoncé

Beyoncé: hey

Guy: hey

Me: hey

Beyoncé: so justin I'm a fan a belieber I love your music and my and your fans wanted us to sing a song

Me; yeah

Beyoncé: right now

Me: okay

Beyoncé: let's do all around the world

I took a breath and looked at Beyoncé when he beat started she smiled and started sing then I went after her. And we were having fun we were both smiling Beyoncé and her ex husband broke up two years ago and we got close as friends. We are actually thinking of making a song together. we are gonna record the song today I can't wait. I left the house at 8 am I'm probably gonna be home by 5 life as a popstar.

Guy: justin do you think you to would ever do a song

Me: Umm yeah like I said from the start of my career it would to do a song with Beyoncé Michael Jackson and a bunch of other big artist

Guy: and did you do all if them

Me: yeah all but Beyoncé

Guy: Beyoncé do you want to do a song with justin Bieber

Me: yeah I would love to

Guy: okay then

We went and left the radio show me and Beyoncé going to studio to work on out new song . On my way there Ariana called me.

Me: hello baby

Ari: how much more stuff you have left

Me: the studio and then pick up the food

Ari: okay so like 4 hours

Me: yeah

Ari: okay baby

I smiled and hung up the phone and started driving to the studios.

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