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Justin POV

I came back home to see Ari in the living room. I went gave her a ice cream and a spoon and started the hunger games. She smiled and kissed me we cuddled and watch the hunger games. I smiled when I saw her giggled it was so cute. But her harmonise were all over the place one minute she's laugh next she crying. During the movie she fell alseep I went carried her to her bed and but a blanket on top of her. I smiled turned off the tv and went the room Ari was in and see she was cuddling with the build a bear I made her I went took a picture of her with it. And posted it @justinbieber my babes back she my other half just like you guys are and then I post again @justinbieber if I lose you too there just a sad Justin I love you forever.

Ariana POV

I woke up early like at 7 and text Jason to meet me at 9 I got ready it was 8 I went on twitter and saw what Justin wrote. I went text him telling him I'm gonna get a drink I'm going with my friend which I am.

Samantha: oh my god Ari

Me: hey girl I haven't seen you in forever

Samantha: baby girl I hear what happen with your brother I'm so sorry

Me: I don't want to talk about it

Samantha: okay let's go Madison's in the car waiting for us

Me: okay

~at Starbucks~

Me: so madison if you can date anyone who would it be

madison: Justin

Me: ohh we'll even if I wasn't dating him your 5 years apart

Madison: I know but for real your lucky I want to date him

Sam: yea

Me: so what about you

Sam: I like Justin

Madison: ohh we'll today's my B-day

Me: no it's not

Madison: oh yea

Me: we'll do you guys want to go bowling with me and Justin

Sam: yea

Madison: yea you know he will beat us

Sam: yea he's a beast

Me: hey I got to go

Madison: where

Me: I'm getting Justin a gift but if he text you say I'm with you too

Madison: I got your back

Me: thanks

I went and walked to the park near by that's wear I'm meeting Jason. I half to do this I love them both. I saw Jason I went gave him a hug

Me: hey Jas

Jason: hey Ari I really missed you

Me: aww that's sweet

Jason: so do you know who you want

Me: I know who I want and its


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