Who was it

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Justin POV

Me: mom

Mom: baby I came to check up on Ariana and I saw him trying to hurt my baby boy

Me: thank you mom

Mom: I wasn't alone

Me: who helped you

Ariana: hi baby

Me: what are y doing here

Ariana: Alfredo told me Ryan was Selena's brother so I stopped and came here

Me: thank you

Ariana: I told you it's is against the world

Me: yeah it will always be

Mom: okay how about you to relax for a day cause honestly you guys have the hard life

Ariana: it's no problem we got the kids

Mom: if you want

Ariana: yeah I'm sure I really want to get the hang of this cause I want to be the best mother I could be

Mom: you will be but you can't be dealing with them plus be pregnant plus have this career

Ariana: yeah

Mom: we'll the kids gonna stay at my house for a few days while you guys learn practice for tour

Ariana: okay

Me: okay

Mom: bye

Me: bye

Ariana went and sat on the couch I went and sat right next to her.

Me: what you doing

Ariana: get ready for tomorrow since it's only us to dancing

Me: baby I was think this is how it's gonna go love me like you do love me like you do like you do hold me tight and don't let go

I looked at Ariana she smiled

Me: so when we say don't let me go we say every word lower then the beat of as long as you love me starts

Ariana: yeah like you did with boyfriend and as long as you love me 3 years ago

Me: yea

Ariana: okay

Me: okay ready

Ariana: yeah

We went and started singing it about 3 times until we were confident. Then we started dancing figuring out what it would look like. Then we went and did the whole thing again dancing to it. And we did pretty good we love it we hope the fans do.

Ariana: I like it

Me: we'll baby we got to got cause the trip is a 5 hour trip and we can sleep there and then for two hours when we get to the hotel

Ariana: okay

Me: let's

Ariana: got your outfit to dance in

Me: yep you

Ariana: yes

Me: let's go

We went on the plane to Hollywood. We and Ariana cuddle and fell asleep on the way there. I wool up to see we were here I went took our book bag we share since we are here for a day that why we got a book bag. I went carried her to the hotel and I went and cuddle with her again. Then not that long we woke up and got ready. I looked at the time to see we half 20 more minutes so me and Ariana drove to the Ellen show. When we got there we had 5 minutes left so we practice we got it.

Ellen: goodluck

Me: thanks

Ellen: okay hi everyone so our next performce are to lovely married couple the both been here a bunch of times welcome Ariana Bieber and Justin Bieber

We went and started singing the song people were going crazy we kiss a good 3 times and at the I wrapped my arms around her waist and kiss her cheek.

Ellen: be careful Ariana

Ariana: thank you

Ellen: so you too been

Me: great

Ellen: good so I want to know about this surprise for you guy that don't know Justin told me they have a surprise

Me: yes but Ariana would like to say this one

Ariana: we'll since the wedding we were great until last month I didn't feel right

Ellen: you to getting a divorce

Ariana:no I'm pregnant

Me: with twins

Ellen: congratulation

Ariana: thank you

Ellen: what it gonna be

Me: a boy

Ariana: and a girl

Ellen: did you guys picked out names

Ariana: yes boy Justin Drew Bieber jr

Me: Jordan Lynn Bieber

Ellen: isn't Lynn your moms middle name

Ariana: yes

Ellen: would you mind me asking why

Ariana: no umm it's because she was like a real mom to me so I want to name my kid after her and for her to be proud of were it comes from and I wanted to keep the j name to

Ellen: we'll they are gonna be beautiful

Ariana: thanks

Ellen: Justin

Me: yeah

Ellen: how did you feel when she told you

Me: just happen like I wanted this I wanted later in life but now I don't care as long as it's with the women I love

Ellen: so you guy may have not picked the theme but what would the theme be

Me: we'll the boy were still think

Ariana: girl I want like a princess theme but a princess that not much people choose

Ellen: we'll that's good but that's all we got time for

Ariana: bye

Me: bye

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