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Justin POV

After the party me and Justin and the guys went to his house started talking about the party who was drunk who wasn't. How much Justin missed I smiled at hat he was blushing. So I went and kissed his cheek. We played some truth or dare would you rather. Who was you first boyfriend we were here for about 4 hours play games kidding around I missed them.

Me: what happen

Ari: they guy that got me but I escape it was

Me: who was it babe

Ari: Selena

Me: what

Ari: yea

Me: let's get a restraining order

Ari: yea but one question

Me: yea

Ari: why did you turn around I started singing

Me: it's just cause I looked for you like crazy

Ari: oh we'll I'm back and I'm not leaving oh and you need to meet me just Jason Smith

Me: I would love to babe

Ari: so how was your birthday

Me: amazing thanks to you

Ari: we'll Justin I'm leaving tomorrow

Me: why

Ari: scooter wants me back on town but my tour will stop right when yours begin baby

Me: okay baby I will miss you tell scooter that I said to keep an eye on you

Ari: okay

We went watched a movie. While I was watching the movie Justin fell asleep I went got him a pillow and a blanket. I went downstairs and eating a sandwich I made to more sandwich and walked to the living room to see Justin sleeping. Then I got a text I went type in my password to see the text.

From: Jason

To: me

Hey Ari I miss you I wish we could hang out soon please tell me if we are gonna be a thing or not Ari please tell me cause I would like to know the answer

Then I started to think should I brake up with Justin and be with Jason should I still date Justin and date Jason behind his back should I Justin date Justin and forget about Jason or lastly should I date Justin and be friends with Jason

Comment what you think Ariana should do

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