CSI: Jason Back

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Justin POV

I went woke up and sat kiss Ariana and hurried up to leave I went to the studio. Then I half to do thee CSi thing.

Me: bye baby

Ariana: bye bae I love you

Me: I love you too

I went got up and left for the studio. When I got there I saw scooter asleep on the floor.


I went got I add some cereal I decided to have frosted flakes. These are my favorite cereal to eat.

James: I like that two

Me: oh my god

James: sorry

Me: it's okay

James: what you doing today

Me: we'll we got 4 hours until we got to go to the studio

James: okay so what we gonna do

Me: me you Carlos and Alfredo will hang out

James: yeah

James POV

I went called Alfredo over and he came over really quick.

Alfredo: what's up

Me: nothing

Alfredo: remember what we were talking about in the woods

Me: about her

Alfredo: yes what is she

Me: I think she's Mrs. Wolfie

Ari: hey

Me: hey

Ari: I'll be done in a few

Me: okay

She went walked to her room I went and waved at her..

Alfredo: what Mrs. Wolfie

Me: she's the top wolf which means she's my sister

Alfredo: what

Me: yes

Alfredo: wow

Me: she got a birth mark on her neck that looks like a paw pint my mom did that so we got to bring her hair to the right side

Alfredo: Ari do that braids but on the right side

Ari: okay

Me: okay


I went did a quick cute braid and went up to Alfredo and gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. We all went in the car to Carlos.

James POV

While we were driving we made Ariana go to Alfredo house and that's when we out a bag over her face and drag her inside and close the basement door.

Alfredo: I really dont want to do it but we half to

Me: yeah but she will never know

Justin POV

I went call Alfredo

Alfredo: hey

Me: did you do it to her

Alfredo: yes Justin she's in the basement

Me: give me 30 minutes

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