Meet the kids

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King Bach POV

We all went on Ariana tour bus I texted her to come out side. She's like a sister to me. She came out I hugged her tight and she hugged me back.

Ari: what

Me: I couldn't be there during he birth cause last minute and I was busy at school here

Ari: shoes

Me: yes but follow me

I went took her to the car

Me: we all got you something I bought you shoes that are size 2 and 3 so when they walk they have a pair so that's 8 pairs of shoes my ex got you them and you and Justin her new clothing line shirts and hats and other stuff

Ari: thanks

Me: anything for you oh and we bought you guys about 120 diapers

Ari: good they go through these like crazy

Me: so what been up

Ari: I was missing the best brother ever

Me: other than that

Ari: nothing I've been up clean fed burping the kids then sleep a few for either a concert or rehearsal

Me: you guys want some help

Ari: no thanks plus there sleeping now

Me and ari went inside sat down next to Nash.

Ari: here pizza

We all took a slice and that's when Justin came inside. Ari didn't notice cause she had Jacky in her hands like Alex had Justin Jr. They were talking so everyone was looking at them.

Alex : what y'all people look oh

Ari: what they hey Justin

Justin: hey baby

There so pizza if Destorm and Bach didn't eat it all.

Destorm: I didn't

Ari: I'll be right back

Ariana POV

I went into the mine and Justin room and change jacky. after that I went and made her a bottle. I was about to leave the room when Alex and Justin came in.

Justin: so you don't know how to do a diaper

Alex: I did but it look like a shirt diaper

Justin: here watch

Me: this should be good

Justin: now you put on diaper which you slip on

Me: no

Justin: what's next then

Me: the baby powder cause his booty is red so he's getting a rash

Justin: okay

Me: there you go

Alex: give me her

Me: here

Alex: let's go

Me: Justin can we talk

Justin: yeah baby

Me: first I want Justin Jr

Justin: here

Me: umm baby I need more help from you

Justin: how we are both busy

Me: yeah but i need a day off like how you get cause I write songs when they sleep or when scooter or ever watch them

Justin: I'm sorry

Me: it's okay here put him to his play pin

Justin: yeah

Me: so how many kids we want

Justin: 4 or 5

Me: yeah we'll I want to adopt

Justin: adopt?

Me: yeah like a new born

Justin: yeah

Me: you really want to adopt

Justin: yeah as along as I have you and our kids does mean if you had them or another girl did I want to be a family

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