Relax Ariana

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Demi POV

Me: okay

Ari: I'm worried of misses the birth

Me: he won't

Ari: he might

Me: yeah might

Ari: ugh is hard like I was mad but I didn't want this to happen

Me: okay let lazier tagging

Ari: I don't want to do anything I just want to be next to the father of my children and wait

Me: fine lets get some food

Ari: yeah let's go to Golden Corral

Me: yeah all you can eat

Ari: that's what I need

We went grabbed our food and started talking.

Ari: I think the worst that could happen is like he not the first person other than me to hold the kids

Me: yeah

Ari: it's like everything goes through my mind

Me: don't worry

Ari: I know

Me: girl you just need someone

Ari: I got you know oh I need to tell pattie

Me: later

Ari: fine ill text

Me: okay

I went stood up and went to the bathroom. I looked myself in the mirror I got feelings for ari but I don't know. I mean I can't tell her I like her but I do.

Me: ari you text her

Ari: yeah I told her what the doctor said about me and Justin

Me: let's go to my house

Ari: okay

~at my house~

I went grabbed my phone and tweet give me and ari some truth or dare questions.

Me: first one for me

Ari: okay

Me: it says dare umm it said they dare me to kiss you

Ari: sorry that's a line

Me: okay another dare umm they dare my to take off a pair of close everytime you ask me a question to 21 and stay that way until the end of the game okay

Ari: if I wasn't marry to Justin who would I want to kiss

Me: big Sean

Ari: nope

Me: who

Ari: Alfredo

I went and took off the shirt

Ari: if I would go anywhere where would I go

Me: Paris

Ari: correct next is if I can change life with anyone who would it be

Me: Justin

Ari: nope pattie

I went and did the bra I don't care. So at the end I had my bra off only.

Ari: okay my turn umm dare it says to twerk

She went and started twerk. She better than me I'm jealous but I can't twerk. When we finished I put on TV and we watch some big brother.

Ari: hey I'm gonna go home

Me: bye

Ari: bye

Ariana POV

I went home and decided to visit Justin. I went inside and ran to Justin's room.

Doctor: hi mrs. Bieber I got some news

Me: what

Doctor: he will wake up before you give birth

Me: oh my god

Doctor: we estimate by 1 to 2 months

Me: so he can wake up any day

Doctor: yeah

Me: oh my god

I went into Justin room and play be alright and believe on repeat. Then I heard something it was

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