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Madison POV

3rd kid of Usher

Me and jake been dating for a while but today I was walking and I saw this little girl and this baby. I looked at her and she looked a lot like me.

Me: hi are you lost

Her: my mommy left

Me: it's okay can I see that paper you have

Her: okay

I open the letter to see it said. To whoever opens the letter I can't do it I'm a drinker a smoker druggy and I don't want my girls to end up like me I want them to live a better life and if you do this for me I would be extreme greatful cause I have a problem for 10 years and I still can't fix myself and I don't want my daughter to be like me I don't want them to remember there mom as druggy and that's what they would become I want them to have a life have a job be successful with there life and if it's not with be im doing the best for them.

Me: what's your name sweetie

Her: Angelina but I like gina

Me: gina it is and do you know her name

Gina: crystal

Me: do you want some ice cream sweetie

Gina: yeah

I took gina to this ice cream shop with the carriage with crystal in it. I took the girls home and put TV on. Jake wasn't home i texted him saying I have a surprise and if he can get me some stuff

~ text message~

Jake~ yeah sure what you need

Me: milk, water, 3 pink bottles, 3 binkies girl ones, 1 pack of diapers, 2 blankets girl one the soft one baby, a brush, and some sour patches baby

Jake~ sure baby girl but why

Me~ you'll understand when you get home

Jake~ okay be home in 10 to 15 minutes baby

Me: okay I love you

While I was waiting I was making dinner for me gina and Jake and also giving crystal baby food my sister left it yesterday. When dinner was done jake came in through the door and the girls were upstairs.

Jake: hey baby I bought the stuff

Me: thank you

Jake: are you pregnant cause we never did it

Me: I know we never im still a virgin

Jake: so why did I buy all that stuff

Me: I've me a second

I went upstairs and took gina and crystal and show jake them.

Jake: who are they

Me: I was walking in the park and I found them and there mother left a note saying she can't do it

Jake: so you wanna adopt them

Me: yeah can we

Jake: if you wanna to adopt them then so do I

Me: really

Jake: yeah

Me: jake this is gina

Jake: hi

Gina: hi

Me: and this is crystal

Jake: she's so cute

Me: yeah

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