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Ariana POV

Today I'm staying home and watching tv while Justin records his new song he made. It was around 2 the was someone at the door I look and saw Justin I went and started kissing him then I wrapped my legs around his waist. Since every that's goes on I need him.

Me: baby

Justin: hey Ari

Me: Jason what are you doing here

Jason: I wanted to see you

Me: we'll you saw me

Jason: why are you like this

Me: we'll I'm dating Jay

Jason: oh it didn't seem like that when you were kissing me

Me: we'll I thought you were him

Jason: come on you miss me

Me: I don't know yet I'm trying to find out

Jason: fine

He went picked me up locked the door and sat me on the dinner table. I looked at him weird I was scared it freaking Jason McCann. He went put his arms around my hips and started kissing. I don't know I'm confused like I love Justin he's my boyfriend. But Jason like the guy I go to to have fun. Like I'm so confused. But I'm worried Jason will rap or kill me.

Jason: Ari

Me: yea

Jason: whose better me or Justin

Me: it's Justin

Jason: let's see

He went carried me upstairs to my room laid me on my bed. I was so scarred of what's gonna happen. He went and started kissing me roughly. He's a good kisser but Justin's better.

Me: stop

Jason: why

Me: cause it doesn't feel right

Jason: we could do it

Me: oh yea sure not I'm gonna be like those girl okay I know what it feels like to be cheated on okay I'm not doing that to Jay

Jason: wow

Me: yeah I'm not that type if I was I probably would but I'm not

Jason: you think you could get rid of me you can't okay if I want something I get it

Me: what you gonna do

Jason: I will rap you

Me: no no no please

Jason: then we will be dating behind Justin's back

Me: yes okay

Jason: good baby now give me a kiss

I went and kissed him

Jason: the same way you kiss Justin okay

Me: okay

I went and started making out with all I thought was that he was Justin and I just to to think at now. I don't loose my V card to him I want to loose it to Jay when we are married .

Jason: I'm sorry I said I was gonna rap you but I waited so long for you to be my girlfriend and I don't want to loose you

Me: it's okay Jas

Jason: for real I'm sorry

Me: it's okay

Then the phone started ringing I picked it up


Was it right for what Jason did why or why not

What is Ariana's my mom name

What's Ariana's dad's name

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