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Ariana POV

Today the family is going out to park so we can recover from Justin punching Alex plus me Nash liane patties destorm and the kids have a surprise. So justin and Alex think it's just gonna be us three at the park.

Me: can you make up

Alex: I could

Justin: yeah

Me: good I'll be back I got to use the bathroom

I went to the bathroom and grab jacky and Juliana. Then both had there things ready. Justin and Alex hugged them then the kids went and splash a ballon on them and that's when the ballon fight started we were all having fun throw balloons at each other. I went and justin jr one and he hit me with it then everyone started hitting me with balloons. We were going home when. I hit justin and Alex with a water balloon pattie hit Nash and liane hit destorm. We smiled and hugged each and went home. Justin told everyone he has a surprise when we got home there was another house.

Justin: destorm Alex liane Frankie here's your new house so you guy could be closer to your god kids and mom you and your husband will live and in that other house.

Mom: thank you baby

Justin: you deserve it

Me: aww

Justin: so everyone I bought beds couch I already put some things in your house that you guys like and stuff

Destorm: beer

Justin: goo look

I followed pattie to her house to see it was beautiful baby picture of her her husband and her grandchildren justin and some of me and family pictures and stuff.

Mom: baby thank you I love it

Justin: your welcome I know how you want to be closet to the kids now you are

Mom: yeah

We all went to the viners house and everyone was having a shot. Then out of no where rose ask if she can have some.

Me: no baby Destorm do you have any juice

Destorm: yeah here

Rose: thank you

Destorm: your welcome

Nash: ari have one

Me: no I half to be silver

Nash: come on it's one drink

Me: only one

Destorm: here you go

We all took our drink and then everyone keep taking shot expect me I took my kids and put the kids to bed. after a hour I put the kids to bed justin walked in not to drunk.

Justin: why you leave

Me: you were drinking me and my kids wasn't so I took them home and put them to bed

Justin: why didn't you let loose

Me: cause some half to watch the kids and my kids aren't gonna remember me as drunk

Justin: baby let loose

Me: no thanks baby

Justin: so you not gonna drink again

Me: I'll take shots but 3 the most

Justin: okay meany

Me: let's go to bed

Justin grabbed my hand and spinned me so I was facing him. I smiled looking him he went and smiled to before he was kissing me. I smiled and kissed back and we were just make out. 💋💋

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