Jazzy Birthday Party

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Ariana POV

I woke this morning and got a text that said she better be ready or else. I went made some breakfast for Jazzy Justin and Jaxon. But I made Jazzy some pancakes but hers were hearts and I made all three of them orange juice. When I finish I got a call from Becky.

Me: hello

Becky: hey Ariana did I wake you

Me: no I've been awake so what's up

Becky: I wanted to know if we can do a song together it'll. be a beast

Me: sure but how about in a few weeks

Becky: yea and I'm coming over for jazzy party I bought her something

Me: I can't wait she's gonna be 6

Becky: yea and I got a big surprise for you guys

Me: ohhh

Becky: yea be ready

Me: I will

Becky: you better but I got to go get ready

Me: bye

Becky: bye

I went to hung up the pho Justin's room and wake him up.

Me: baby wake up

Justin: yea

Me: its Jazzy birthday

Justin: fine but I got a surprise for her

Me: me too

Justin POV

I went for dress and when I went back to the bed I saw Ari phone since I wanted to see what time it is I went turn it on to see there was a message it said she better be ready or else. I looked at the number and new who it was. I went downstairs to see Ariana was cooking. I went and wrapped my arms around her tiny little waste and kiss her cheek.

Ari: stop

Me: I can't cause pretty soon this beautiful person is gonna be my wife

Ari: aww my last name will be bieber

Me: yep

Ari: I'll be right back


I went upstairs and woke up the Jazzy.

Me: wake up

Jazzy: hey

Me: happy birthday

Jazzy: today's my birthday

Me: yep go wash your mouth your food is down stairs

Jazzy: yea

Me: Jaxon wake up

Jaxon: Ari

Me: come on let go wash your mouth

Jaxon: ok

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