Justin Please Help

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Justin POV

I walked in to see Ari in her bra and pants and this guy on top on her. I went pushed him off her Ari ran downstairs while I was fighting him. He looked a lot like me I went and kept on punching and punching him. I couldn't help it he was trying to rape my baby. I love her then  Ari went pushed me off him I went hugged her and kissed her head then two officers went and arrested him. Ari was crying like crazy I notice she was wearing make up. I went help her up and walked her downstairs to the living room where a investigator was waiting.

Investigator: hey im Jacob

Me: im Justin and this is Ariana

Jacob: Ariana do you want him here

Ari: yes

Ariana POV

Jacob: okay has anything bad happen im the last two years

Me: I got kidnap twice

Jacob: okay was mister McCann in one of them

Me: yes the second time I got a kidnap Selena Gomez took me in this van and drop me off at his house for a month and I'm still a virgin so I didn't want to get rape so I tried to gain his trust so he made me kiss him every day say I love you I wanted to go home really badly and when it was Justin I left and went to his party but I had to get my phone I didn't when he was sleeping and left and saw Justin. Then a now umm I thought was Justin I went jumped into his arms and kissed him and then went back to making dinner. But then he hit my butt which Justin would never do he's not a pig so I went and pretend like it was nothing then he tried to kiss me so I pushed him away and then he tried again so I pushed him away again. Then he ask what was my problem. I told him I didn't love him I love Justin and he said what happen to I love you. I told him I didn't love him I love Justin and that he kidnap me so he went and told me he was gonna make me have his kid so he went grabbed me and took me upstairs and thats when I started yelling rape rape rape and I called out for Justin. Then there's Justin there to save me and I'm happy for  what he did

I went and started crying on Justin wjile he was going Shhhhhh baby everything gonna be alright.

Jacob: okay umm Ariana you are a brave strong women and im happy your boyfriend was there to help

Justin: im al-

That's all I heard before I blacked out.

Justin POV

Me: what happen

Jacob: she blacked out maybe she got stabbed

I went looked and saw a cut on her leg. I went applied pressure to her cut. While we were going to the hospital. I kepted on praying everything was gonna be okay. Oh my god Ari don't die on me please please your my best friend my world I would die with out you. I went called everyone I could to come down freaking McCann wait until I see him. I looked ip to see my mom running to me. Then the doctor I can't handle it I went and ran into Ari's room. Then the doctor came in

Doctor: im sorry but your girlfriend is :( :(

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