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Jason POV

Ariana: I'm not ready yet

Me: babe I get it but I might not be able to hold it in

Ariana: can we wait for the right time

Me: sure but then can you do me a favor

Ariana: what

Me: you got to kiss me

Ariana: okay

We went and started kissing we were kissing rough though. She was turning me on like her body her figure her laugh her hair but I like someone else. The only reason why she's here is cause if she's leaving Selena will kill me. I'm not afraid of that I'm not really afraid of anything but I really want Ariana and I thinks she likes me. Yea anyways we were kissing roughly she was touch my hair my abs. When we finished we were breathing hard.

Ariana: the movie like half way through and we haven't watched it at all

Me: hey I like we were are doing now

Ariana: me too

Me: so do you like me

Ariana: yea

Me: good but anyways go get dress

Ariana: why

Me: we are going out

Ariana: I don't have any other clothes

Me: there in the room


I went got ready when I was finished I waited for Ariana and when she came down she wore this blue dress that was beautiful for her. Man I can't wait for the club it's gonna be amazing. We walked into the club I went bought her a drink maybe like 5 and she was drunk so was I. We went to the couch in our own we were in this room I rented out. We went and made out but not to long I went too off her dress and bra which lead her only in her underwear. But I went laid her on this bed and started sucking on her nipple playing with her boobs having fun. She was having fun I went gave her like 3 more beers then she went put her bra and dress on. When she did she started grinding on my me. Which was get me mad then I gave her 5 more beers which she had like 13 and I wanted girl on girl action so I want to make her so drunk that she wouldn't remember. So I went had to strippers hot one gave Ariana the hottest one and I had the less hottest one.

My girl: hey baby what's you name

Me: Jason what's your

My girl: Stacey

Me: we'll girl you better not mine about them two

Stacey: no I won't

Me: good

The other girl: hey beautiful

Ariana: hey

And that girl went and pushed Ariana down and started making out man the was the best thing ever.

Stacey: are we gonna watch or have action we are here all night

Me: yea girl

I went and started kissing Stacey and I went took off her shirt which showed her boobs they were big so I went and played with them. But I don't know like it didn't feel right like she was hot but I'm falling for Ariana so it's like I can't do this anymore. So I told her to leave and told the other one to leave to and when they left I went took Ariana to the dance floor we were having fun we'll I was she was but she was so drunk that she was laugh like crazy so I took her home. When we got home we went make out for a little bit and I went took Ariana to our room. And she fell asleep in my arounds I wished for this day since 2010 so I'm happy that this could happen.

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