Bye Justin I love you

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Ariana POV

Justin been on tour for about a month now he has a concert and today's my birthday it hard that I don't have kids. But in getting ready in this dress I'm going to go out Alex is not tell me where.

Me: where we going

Alex: come on

Me: okay

They blind folded me and when they took it off all my friends yelled happy birthday. I smiled and covered my mouth as people hugged me I was having fun but I missed my kids. So I took my phone and looked at a picture of me Justin jazzy Jaxon Julianna Justin jr and jacky. Then I heard me and Justin song dilemma by nelly. I smiled thinking of Justin and Alex gave me a microphone and sang Kelly part while I was on stage then I heard Justin and say him sing backstage at a concert I cover my mouth. Then I went to sing my part when I was singing my part I saw Justin Jr I went hugged him and shortly after I saw Justin coming with jacky I smiled as jazzy and Jaxon came on stage. While we were sing me and Justin was holding hands. He went kissed me went back to the dance floor and started dancing. I smiled as me and Justin went to the dance floor for a slow dance.

Me: I thought you had a concert

Justin: I never had a concert I never had a tour

Me: you lied

Justin: yes for this

Me: I hate you

Justin: I love you too

Me: I was worried about the kids cause I haven't heard from them in a month

Justin: that was the whole point

Me: we'll I love it so much

Justin: baby

Me: yeah

Justin: I'm happy I meet you

Me: I'm happy I meet you too Justin

Justin: yes

Me: umm you half to meet my dad

Justin: isn't he dead

Me: no stepfather he thinks we got married for the fame

Justin: I will tell him right now

Me: you want to do it now

Justin: yes

Me: okay he lives about a block away

Justin: okay

We went into Justin car and drove to my dad's house I'm scared cause I told him that we had to do it. I knocked on the door and hugged my dad.

Dad: baby

Me: we half to to tell you some

Justin: sir this is my wife

Dad: your gonna leave her when things get tough

Justin: never

Dad: I know who you are cause I was the same way and I felt her mother

Justin: I'm not gonna do what you do

Dad: you to are not gonna be together

Justin: it's not your choice

Then my dad when and punch Justin in the face I try to push him away but he push me to the floor. I think I twisted my leg I couldn't move After they were down Justin was on the floor throwing up blood.

Justin: baby are you okay

Me: I can't move my leg

Justin: let get you to a hospital

Me: you too

Justin: you

Justin went picked me up and put me in his car and drove us to the hospital. Not even 5 minutes there they said my dad bruised my legged to ice it and it will be better in a few days. I went to Justin room to see

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