Tour Break

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Ariana POV

Me and Justin been on tour for the last 10 months it's been fun we still have date night at least twice a month. I'm not feeling good like I'm having the worst pain down there this morning so Justin went to the studio while me Jazzy Jaxon Jacky Justin Jr. Go to the hospital but It valentines day so I hope everything okay. On the way there like down there was killing me and I mean killing me. We walked inside and the nurse came up to me.

Nurse: is everything okay

Me: no

Nurse: what's up

Me: down there is killing me badly

Nurse: are you pregnant

Me: I can't

Nurse: come with me

Me: it hurts to much

Nurse: okay sit in the wheel chair

I did as told she took me to a room and a doctor came to check. I'm nervous like I can't be pregnant.

Doctor: Mrs. Bieber your pregnant

Me: what

Doctor: yeah you 4 cm

Me: okay

I went called Justin nervous on what would happen.

Justin POV

Me: scooter what you think of the song for Ariana

Scooter: it's good

Me: it's our first valentine together as a family and I want everything to be good

Scooter: it's gonna be good

Me: yeah oh Ariana calling me

Scooter: put her on speaker

I went slide and press and put her on speaker

Me: hey baby

Ariana: I'm at the hospital hurry please

Me: I'll be there

I went into the car scooter decided to drive while I call my mom telling her to come. I then called her vining crew to hurry to that hospital. When I got there I quick  ran to her room.

Me: baby

Ariana: hey

Me: what happen

Ariana: umm Justin I'm gonna give birth

Me: you can't your not even pregnant

Ariana: I am and I'm in labor

Me: baby oh my god

Ariana: ughh

Me: baby I call mom and your vining crew

Ariana: I'm close

Me: baby are you gonna take the drugs

Ariana: no

Doctor: Ariana it's time to push

Ariana: okay

Me: 1 2 3 push


Me: 1 2 3 push


Doctor: one more big push

Me: 1 2 3 push


Doctor: he your kid is

Ariana: is it a boy or a girl

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