But Justin How

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Ariana POV

Me: baby

Justin: yeah

Me: are you coming

Justin: where

Me: the pray circle

Justin: yeah

We went to the prayer circle today I'm gonna say the prayer and I'm not the best but I'm gonna try my best today ugh I pray I don't mess up on any lines (this may not be the best prayer cause I ain't good at them).

Me: lord I ask you to watch over each and everyone one of us lord I ask you not to let anything happen to that are before today amen

Everyone: Amen

Me: whose ready

Everyone: just just just just rock rock rock rock

We went and got ready and started the show. I was having fun and so was Justin it's was so fun Justin do what I love. After the people want Justin autograph. So I took Jacky I was about to leave when some guy stopped me

Guy: Ariana

Me: yeah

Guy: can I get a picture

Me: do you mind if jacky in it

Guy: no

Me: okay

Guy: scooter can you take the picture

Scooter: 1 2 3

He went took the picture smiled and left I turned around to tell Justin something to see him and some girl kissing I back to the hotel with the twins and quick grabbed everything in one bag. I went put the kids in the car grabbed everything and left. I'm gonna stay in a different hotel I don't care he did something stupid.

Justin POV

I was looking for Ariana but I guess she left. I went took of the cars back to the hotel I went to our room but she wasn't there everything expect my stuff was gone. I went and dialed her number. I went called her multiple times she still didn't pick up. I walked around my room thinking what happen. I went downstairs jumped in my car and started driving. Where my baby where's my kids I went started think of place that Ariana knows was she kidnap no. I went called scooter and he picked up I pulled over to talk to him.

Me: scooter

Scooter: yeah

Me: I can't find her

Scooter: who? Ariana

Me: she or the kids isn't at the hotel everything of there's is gone

Scooter: where are you

Me: out side the concert come on

Scooter: I'll be there right now

I went move to the seat next to the driver. I went called Ariana and repeatedly call her and call her. Still no answer where is she ugh where my baby girl. Then that's when she called me. Me and scooter looked for a good 3 hours and went to the hotel. He told me to go to sleep and he would keep looking I went took a pill. Before I knew it I was a sleep. I was dreaming about me and Ariana and all the good times we had together everything. I smiled at every memory then that's when I woke up from my dream. Like everything was happening so fast I couldn't think straight. I didn't eat breakfast I went look at my phone and unlocked it. I went to the pictures off me Ariana and the kids. Justin and Jacky were born with hair so Ari would be play with it for every. If she's happy mad excited worry nervous. It the cutest thing and when the twin play with each other. Like they are so cute Justin always wants to be near Jacky sleep near her. I love it shows he cares for her and protective over kind oh I am with jazzy and Jaxon. There here there asleep I don't want to tell them about Ariana cause it would be hard on them that's like a mom to them and a sister. Jazzy loves her to death they go shopping like every chance they get. Jaxon he loves her like that's like his first crush but they play all different games epsically hide and seek. I looked through the pictures to see her and Alfredo. No one know where he is so no so I kept on looking to see a picture that cought my eye or a video. I went press play to see it was when we surprise mom for her birthday. Wait avon theater maybe then I looked at Alex . She ether went back home or she's walking around near the theater. I went started to take a blanket for Jazzy and Jaxon just in case they fall asleep. I went took Jaxon and put him in the car. Then I put Jazzy with her princess blanket and Jaxon in jai turtle blanket. Before I started driving I went on twitter to Ariana to see she tweet about 5 things. @Arianagrande I would never take back being a mother I love them to much. @Arianagrande people told me I would never be famously or have my own family don't let those people get to you. @Arianagrande new music coming soon I hope you like them. @Arianagrande sometimes you need to let go of the past to enjoy the present. @Arianagrande baby @jackylynnbieber and @justindrewbieberjr are play together that just makes me to see them together. She knows I would have been on twitter I went and typed in Alxjames. @alxjames I can't wait to @arianagrande twins boo boo you know I need to see them. @alxjames I love to watch @arianagrande grow up in front of my eyes she's like a sister and I love her like a sister. @alxjames if someone is bothering you put on your water bug glasses and walk right past them. So if he didn't say they were together she's at the theater. I went turned on the car and drove around the avon theater. That's when I remember there's a park here. I went woke up jazzy and Jaxon and put them down and they ran straight to the slides I went put on my mask and started walking. I was looking to see a mother with kids. I was looking everywhere but it didn't see her so I went sat on the bench next to some lady. I was watching jazzy and Jaxon while. She was changing her kid I was showing respect by not looking. When she was done I looked at the kids to see she had two and two baby bags she went and took them to the baby swinging. When she put them in there I slowly walked over. I looked at her face to see that she wasn't Ariana so I went put the kids in the car. I went to subway made a sandwhich for us three to share since they don't eat a lot. Once they were done I notice I had a text from my mom. It said hi baby I miss you and I can't wait until you and Ariana get home are we gonna do anything for her birthday. I went text back saying yeah when I finish in Canada I was wondering if you can come on tour so you can help me with Ariana birthday. My mom text back okay sweetie I love you. So of course I text back I love you too. Right after I text my mom I got and call from my baby girl I went and quickly slide answer and put the phone near my ear.

Ariana: hello

Me: hello

Ariana: who is this

Me: your husband

Ariana: sir your wife and two children were in a horrible accident someone died

When she said that my heart dropped. And my eyes started to cry a little bit.

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