What do you mean

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Ariana POV

Justin: what you mean

Me: I was happy but

Justin: what

Me: I lost the kid

Justin: baby I'm so sorry

Me: god made this happen for reason right maybe I can't have ten kids at once not yet

Justin: yeah but I love you

Me: I love you too

Justin: let go watch the kids learn to dance

Me: yes and baby next weeks the ema are we going

Justin: yeah why not us and the kids

Me: okay so after dance the mall the kids need a outfit

Justin: okay

Me and Justin went to see the kids dance it was just perfect but out of no where he left I was worried but I didn't think much of it. Like he famous maybe something important happen. So I continue watching the kids and they were so cute.

Justin jr: mommy did you see me

Me: yes I did baby and mommy love it

Jazzy: where we going

Me: were going home why

Jazzy: I don't know

I went and took the kids home and started making dinner and then I put on tv while the food was cooking. It was tmz I was about to change it when it said my name.

Guy: I just got some video of Ariana leaving dance with her kids and husbands brother and sister

Girl: where's Justin

Guy: he is out at dinner with some girl and yoventura and I think we know Ariana does like Justin around models cause she did post a picture say I'm not as skinny as these other girl I'm not as pretty as those other girl I feel like maybe it's time maybe it's just going to be me and me only and we all know she means it's maybe her and kids might be living on there own

Girl: but honestly Ariana if your watching this look at you your beautiful like you got that figure and stuff you need to use what you got

Like I feel like it's time that me and Justin take a break I hate to do this cause of the kids but it's time like I hate that he's all over them. I look at my phone and unlocked it and look through my contacts and called Alex and told him to bring some friends over. When he came there was Brent Rivera, Gary Rojas, Josh peck, Amanda Cerny, Dan nampaikid, Darius, Simone shepherd, Jerry purpdrank, Curtis Lepore, Liane, Brandon calvillo, Matthew Espinosa, Brittany Furlan, Cameron Dallas, and Alex was at the door.

Me: hey

Matthew: how being a mother

Me: good at first but okay now

Matthew: how about me jerry Gary Brent Brandon get some pizza

Me: here some money

Matthew: this ones on us

Me: than you

Jacky: d

Destorm: jacky

Since jacky was born her and Destorm just clicked. The same with Alex and Julianna she's always on him she's so comfortable.

Alex: oh here's my god daughter

Juliana quickly went to Alex hugging him. Alex went and had a bag with stuff in it for the kids but mostly Julianna. He bought her so much glasses and dresses.

Alex: she needs her bugs

Liane: she my goddaughter too

Alex: here

Liane: hey baby I love you

I smiled at them holding her then out of now where rose came down and she went and hugged me and looked at everyone. Then Matthew came in and rose ran to him.

Matthew: rose

Rose: Matthew

Me: you know rose

Matthew: yeah her mom was junky she would leave her at the park

Me: really

Matthew: yeah

Me: we'll she's safe

Matthew: yeah

Alex: I'm sorry to break y'all up but can we eat me and Julianna are hungry

Me: okay fine

Alex: yes

While we were eating Justin walks in though the door I looked at him and stood up and took him to our room.

Justin: hey baby

Me: where do you go

Justin: studio

Me: Justin Drew bieber don't lie to me

Justin: I'm not

Me: I can't believe you get out of my house go

Justin: baby

Me: out okay

Justin: why

Me: you lied to me

Justin: where was I

Me: with yoventura

Justin: yes baby it was for kelvin fashion line

Me: you looked me in the face and lied out

Justin: baby

Me: I need to think

Justin: fine I'm taking jazzy and Jaxon

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