Happy birtthday mom

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Ariana POV

Me: we are here

Pattie: omg were in Canada

Me: yes and put this on

Pattie: how did we get here

Me: drove you around for an hour until you fell asleep and the bok cared you on the plane and follow us this is the theatre your son a yes at

Pattie: I love you guys

Me: well turn around you love us more

Pattie: mom dad

Bruice: hey Pattie

Mom: I cant believe this

Me: we got a bigger surprise

Mom turned around Usher was sitting on the steps we went sat down next to him and he started sing. Then next was Madison beer. She sang melodies and monsters high. Now it my turn me and mac Miller are gonna sing. I love the way you make me feel I love I love it. Now it Mac coming from the audience I see Justin aww she's so cute . im thinking about her everything second of hour through my singing in the shower picking pedals out r he flowers like does she love does she love me not. Justin went and grab my waist and pulled me close to him I went and smiled and slowly walked backwards. Justin went took my hand and started dancing with me. I went and got off him and walked away I went sat down cause me Alex, Brandon, Nash, Curtis, Jerry, and Destorm practice to do baby I and give Pattie some special treatment. Brandon and Jerry went to Pattie in front of the crowd oh yeah the minute we sat down there was a crowd. baby I ohhh baby oh baby baby I all im training say I'd your my everything baby. Me and the guys went and started doing are dance. Then Curtis started dancing with Pattie Brandon and Jerry, Destorm and Nash, and then me and alex because I wanted someone taller. During the dance I went broke up me and alex and started singing. When I finished all the guys came up to me and kissed me on the check.

Me: happy birthday mom we love you and that's all I guess for now

Justin: wait its my turn okay im song a few songs that you guys might know and one song I made.

baby baby baby oh I though you always be mine mine yea yea yea yea yea im all gone gone be gonna That should be me holding your hand that should be me making you laugh that should be me this is so sad that should be me that should be holding you hand as long as you long me we could be he homeless we could be broke I'll be yoyr platinum I'll be your silver I'll be your gold as long as you llllllllllove love me me me I'll be a soldier fight every second of the day for you dreams girl. love me like you do hold me tight and dont let go no no no no yeah love me like you do love me like you do do do love me like you do . dont tell me your my heartbreaker cause girl my hearts breaking heartbreaker ...... I still believe in love I still believe in us I hope you believe in us.

Justin: umm all of you guy know my ex's if not its Caitlin Ariana selena Jasmine umm I wrote some songs for her and I'm falling im love with her again and I can't help


Justin: I love you guys and I will take pictures in a few

Pattie: thanks for the best birthday ever guys I love you have fun enjoy your life

Me: Pattie should we go its getting late

Pattie: okay

Me: bye guys

We all got on the plans on the way to home and on the way home I fell asleep on Justin's shoulder like always.

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