The loss that could never be repaired

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Justin POV

Ariana: Justin its umm your dad

Me: what

Ariana: After me and your mom went to the salon umm your step mom came and Jeremy and there was as shooting and Jeremy tried to help mom and he got shot so did your stepmom

Me: where's my mom

Ariana: baby she good but

Me: what

Ariana: I got shot

Me: where baby are you okay

Ariana:I got shot in the leg my and Jeremy trued to help Pattie and I got a boot on my leg that's why there's a blanket over me

Me: oh my god baby I'm so sorry

Ariana: baby its not your fault I choose to help Pattie she's the closest thing I got to a mom.

Me: where is she

Ariana: she in the room with your dad

Me: do you what to come

Ariana: yes

Me: come on

I went help Ari up I went helped her into the room. I went placed her in her seat and walked over to my dad.

Me: dad

Dad: Justin

Me: are you okay

Dad: I'm okay but jazzy and Jaxon mom died

Me: what it was hard for me to have no dad there for me

Dad: that's not the worst part

Me: what

Dad: umm I got umm cancer

Me: umm Ariana I'll be right back

Mom: baby

Me: I'm okay really

I went walked out of room walking around crying I walked back to the room. I went kissed Ariana on the cheek and hold her hand. Jazzy came to me I went picked her up and placed her on my lap.

Me: hey princess

Jazzy: are you okay

Me: yes

Jazzy: can you sing

Ari: yea baby

Me: okay ready what sing jazzy

Jazzy: baby

I was like baby baby baby baby baby oh and I was like

Baby baby no I thought you always be mine yea yea yea

Yea yea yea yea yea yea yea yea now I'm all gone gone gone

I'm gone

Mom: that was wonderful baby

Me: thank you

Dad: I never thought you would be famous

Me: no one did

Mom: baby you were special to me and I knew some was different about you baby

Me: thank you mom

Jaxon: where my mommy

Me: umm Jaxon

Jaxon: what Jwustin

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