Jimmy show with the family

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Ariana POV

So me and the kids are waiting Justin said he'll be back stage with Julianna. So I took a deep breath as we walked on stage.

Jimmy: I feel like your family is multiplying

Me: no

Jimmy : where the birthday girl

Jazzy: me

Jimmy: I got you something you half to open one of these three boxes

Jazzy: the big one

Jimmy: it's a you car that could fit only you and one other person and a Barbie house

Jazzy: yeah

Jimmy: here

Jazzy: thank you

Jimmy: your welcome

I smiled as she sat in it.

Jimmy: whose this

Me: rose

Jimmy: okay one thing about these girls you have

Me: what

Jimmy: where Justin backstage with Julianna

Justin popped up on the screen

Justin: yeah jimmy

Jimmy: you better lock them up from boys

Justin: I will when there 16 maybe 14

Me: baby then we will have a problem that day

Justin: I'm not the only dad that feels that way

Me: I know

Jimmy: so are kids going to be like the mommy and daddy

Me: if they want to I know rose and jacky are going to be put in dance like jazzy

Jimmy: do want them to be like you guys

Me: yes and no yes cause I know how to help them I been through it and no because every inch of there freedom will be taken away and that like the worst thing ever

Jimmy: what was the worst part about it

Me: there was a year that I wanted to quite everything being famous being Justin Bieber girlfriend and stuff

Jimmy: but you didn't

Me: and I'm grateful

Jimmy: so jazzy I heard Justin have a surprise for you everyone Justin

Justin: jazzy

Jazzy: Bieber

They hugged and Justin gave her a gift and gave all of us a gift.

Justin: birthday girl first

Jazzy: Olaf necklace

Justin: yea um Jaxon

Jaxon: ninjia turtles

Then was twins they got matching outfits and a teddy bear. I smiled as Justin told Rose to open her gift was a necklace and a dress. It was so cute then it was my turn and knowing Justin it was a big surprise. I open mine up to see too baby bull dog and a j necklace.

Justin: you always said you want baby bulldogs and I got you twins

Me: thank you

Justin: what's the names

Me: Jeremy and karma Bieber

Jimmy that's all we have time for

I smile as we went in our car and went home. Jazzy went and put on her favorite outfit while I put the dogs in a cage. And we all went to the Golden Corral. It fun like we were normal and I loved it. After the restaurant went in the car and ask jazzy what she wanted to do and she said park. We all went to the park and we let them play while me and Justin and Juli was on the bench.

Justin: so baby how about we see what the kids have

Me: i just want them to be normal

Justin: they will never ever be normal because there parents are the prince and princess of pop

Me: okay

I went and look at Julianna and smiled like she's so cute. I went and Jaxon and sat him down.

Justin: do you want to be on tv buddy

Jaxon: yeah

Me: okay we will start looking for jobs tomorrow

Jaxon: okay

We went and asked jazzy and rose the same and they said yeah so we start looking for roles I can't wait.

Justin: baby csi is calling

Me: hello

Criminal minds: hi Ariana

Me: yes

Criminal minds: we were wondering if you would like to do a few shows as Spencer Reid sister

Me: sure

Criminal minds: but when need to you bring your kids cause we might need to use them

Me: okay

Criminal Minds: are you busy today

Me: umm no

Criminal Minds: can you come as soon as possible

Me: okay

We went and started packing up everything and went to the set

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