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Stephen POV

Hey Stephen I'm dating jazzy Bieber and I'm a vampire. You might be wondering how we meet we'll it's a long story. I was hunting for some food aka people as I was looking I saw jazzy watching this guy. I stopped her as she was about to eat him.

Jazzy: what are you doing

Me: stop okay he was on the phone okay you see her

Jazzy: yeah

Me: don't eat her here drink this

I gave here my bottle of animal blood she was drinking it fast maybe she haven't eat in a while.

Jazzy: what's this

Me: animal blood

Jazzy: really

Me: come with me

Jazzy: okay

I took her to my house and into my room I went and locked the door so no know could her us.

Me: okay so you need to start drinking this and every Friday a water bottle full of human blood only one so you'll still have strength

Jazzy: how old are you

Me: old but how about we have dinner my place tonight

Jazzy: sure

Me: okay but your jazzy Bieber

Jazzy: yeah

Me: yeah I'm Stephen from vampire diaries

Jazzy: oh yeah I love that show

Me: thank you

Jazzy: I gotta go my mom wants me to be home for something

Me: okay dinner here 8 a clock

Jazzy: it's a date

Me: okay

When jazzy left I started cleaning up the place and I went to the closet drug store I bought wine and stuff for tonight. I got all dress as it was 7:55 I went and used my super speed and went to her house. I took her to mine and I took her to the kitchen where the dinner was set. Me and jazzy talked about our life and how we became a vampire and stuff. When it was 11 me and jazzy went to the club and started dancing having. We actually got to know each other a little more.

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