I know

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Ari P.O.V

Me: what

Brother: I'm dating Samantha there

Me: I know

Bother: how

Me: because I saw you kissing yesterday

Brother: oh

Justin P.O.V

After dinner I hanged out with Ryan for a little bit then I told them I had to go . I got out the house and started driving to my friend Catlin house. When I got there I knocked on the Catlin jumped into my arms I went and wrapped my arm around her waist. Then she told me to sit down while she goes to change. I sat down and wait for Catlin to come back in her pj. When she came back I went hugged her and gave a smile and a kiss on her cheek. Before you start saying Justin you got a girlfriend we'll Ariana know me and Catlin do that and that we are friends nothing more and nothing less.

Catlin: umm do you want to watch a movie

Me: yea

*Next morning*

I woke up got ready for the studio. After I finished getting ready I left to the studio. When I got the studio scooter was smiling and whisper in my ear that me and Ari was doing a duet on my song take you I'm exited for it. I went and hide when Ari came she started sing my song in the middle I went and wrapped my arms around her waist and gave her a kiss on the cheek. When Ari finished I went and waited for her to give me a hug.

Me: babe do you want to go out and make it offial or do you want to make it seem like friends

Ari: umm I'm going on Ellen in a few you come out and we will make it offial

Me: anything you want


Sorry it took me so long. How was believe? What was your favorite part? Which is better Never say never or Believe?

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