Bad news

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Ariana POV

After breakfast I went got the kids ready and we left for Jazzy birthday surprise. I went got off the car and took Jazzy inside when everyone yelled surprise.

Jazzy: thanks Ariana

Me: your welcome

We went inside and started dancing having fun. Justin went and tried to dance with me but Jaxon stepped in and he started dancing with me. He was so cute dancing I was smiling the whole time. I went took the microphone.

Me: jazzy I got a surprise for you

Jazzy: what

Me: we'll I'll show you guys come out

Becky, Demi, and Olaf came out. Yea I payed for him that's why it's a winter theme.

Jazzy: Demi

Demi: Jazzy

Jazzy: hey

Demi: do you want to sing let it go with me

Jazzy: yea

Jazzy and Demi started singing let it go. While I was watching jazzy sing Justin wrapped his arm around me and kiss my forehead.

Justin: is that who text you this morning

Me: yea

Alfredo: Justin we got to talk

Justin: I'll be right back

Me: ok

Justin's POV

Me: yea

Alfredo: I don't know who to tell you this

Me: what man were bros

Alfredo: your dad is gonna died today

Me: did he die

Alfredo: no but he's gonna die soon

Me: is he here

Alfredo: he just got her he got you guys something

I went inside to see my dad on stage.

Dad: okay jazzy your gonna become a beautiful girl which you already know so I bought you things I bought you a necklace locket with a picture of me you Jaxon Justin and your mom. I also bought you a necklace that said daddy's little girl. And a bracket of Olaf since you love him so much. Justin I'm gonna give you this watch that my grandfather gave my dad which gave me it which I'm giving to you. And I'm giving Jaxon my other favorite watch and a few other things. You all might be wondering why I'm giving them this stuff we'll I found out I'm at stage three cancer and I can't treat it cause I'm gonna die today so I want to say sorry for not being the best father friend family member but remember I'm always gonna be here in your heart I love you all and don't forget it

I went and started cry but next thing I know Ariana was hugging me crying to. I went kiss her cheek telling her everything gonna be alright. I went on stage with Ariana jazzy and Jaxon.

Me: we'll dad we got a treat for you

Dad: no

Me: I'm pretty sure all of you know that my dad never thought I would become famous we'll all for of us are gonna sing jazzy favorite song baby while a video I played behind us

We went started sing while there was a video of us three growing up. I smiled to see my dad smiling. When we finish we all got off stage but couldn't find my dad.

Alfredo: Justin your dad wanted me to give you Ariana jazzy and Jaxon. This but I'm sorry your dad just die

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