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Johnny is 10 months

18th kid of Jariana

Justin POV

Me and ariana been trying to get josh to walk and talk. So today while all the kids are at work me and ariana are gonna try to get Johnny to talk.

Me: Johnny say daddy

Beyoncé: hey guy

Me: hi

Beyoncé: what you to doing

Ari: trying to help Johnny talk

Beyoncé: oh I got this

Beyoncé picked of Johnny and smiled at him.

Beyoncé: say Jariana say jariana

Johnny: jawianw

Beyoncé: he said it

Ari: he did

Me: Jariana

Ari: I love it

Johnny: jawianw jawianw

Me: Jariana

Then Johnny fell me and ari race to him but he wasn't waking up I grab. and ran in the car and drove to the hospital. We sat down next to Johnny what felt like forever.

Doctor: Johnny is alright

Ari: what's wrong

Doctor: he just fell but if he would of fell harder he would of had bleeding in the brain he's a lucky kid

Me and ari smiled and kissed johnny cheek he's okay. I took ariana home and I could tell she was scared.

Me: baby you okay

Ariana: yeah why wouldn't I

Me: it's okay I was scared too

Ariana: I thought it was gonna be worst

Me: baby stuff is gonna happen where we are scared to death you just gotta breath

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