I don't play well with others

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Ariana POV

Me: I will

Selena: if not I'll hurt justin jr jacky Julianna Jordyn Jennifer Jessa and let's not forget jazzy and Jaxon then after them justin

Me: nope

I went and reach in her body and grabbed her heart and ripped it out then I snapped her neck and use my super speed ran too the nearest beach and threw the heart then I went to the park.

Me: like I said I don't play with my kids

Frankie: what am I doing

Me: what's the last thing you remember

Frankie: you and Justin going out and then Selena drop by and bit me

Me: we'll since then you have so niece and nephew to meet

Frankie: you were pregnant

Me: yeah you missed out cause of Selena you can meet them later

Frankie: so I'm a vampire

Me: yeah me too

Frankie: oh

Me: I got to go

Frankie: where

Me: to the studios

Frankie: okay

I went to the studios where Alex meet up with me.

Alex: hey

Me: hey

Me and Alex talked while all the kids but rose jazzy and Jaxon went to bed on the studios couch. Rose jazzy and Jaxon play games and stuff. Me and Alex started throwing ideas back and forth. Finally I came up with a song we'll two I recorded them I'm gonna stays with Alex and the kids for a while. Me and Alex would take turns and buy us a snack we bought subway then mcdonalds. And we would talk about our life and that's how I'll write a song.

Alex: baby girl

Me: what baby boo

Alex: remember when we first meet

~ a while ago~

Hey guy so Alex James the viner text me I'm freaking out like in shaking anyways I'm flying to California to meet him and all the other viner. I guess Alex is a big fan or something but I'm a huge fan of him. So now I'm driving to his house. I got out of the car and took a deep breath and knock on the door. Pretty soon I heard the door unlock.

Alex: hey Ariana

Me: omg omg it's you

Alex: it's you

Me: so what you wanna do

~end of memory present time~

Me: wait moment 4 life

I went and wrote 3 more songs and me and Alex started putting the kids in the car

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