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Austin POV

Me and jasmine meet on social media. I was on Twitter and I message her and said message me jas. And very quickly she text me and we were texting for months and during this I wasn't famous so she wanted to meet and talk and stuff. But we never did so I message catfish. Catfish came and I told them about me and jasmine and how I'm becoming famous. And my song say something is out. We are actually going to California so I could meet her. One the way there I was super nervous. I was texting jasmine telling her how I feel. I went got in the car as we got to the hotel as I texted jasmine she was saying she was free so all three of us got ready. We went and decided to meet her at this park. after like 20 minutes of waiting I thought she wasn't going to show up but then we saw someone with high wasted shorts a hat a crop top and some sunglasses. I could tell if that was her or not.

Her: hi

Me: hey jasmine

Her: I can't believe I'm meeting you

Me: yeah me either

Jasmine took of the hat and glass and I smiled.

Jasmine: why didn't you ever wanted to meet

Me: I was shy I mean I wasn't sure if it was really you

Jasmine: oh

Me: yeah but remember what you said when we meet

Jasmine went and kissed me I smiled.

Neev: jasmine how do you feel seeing him

Jasmine: i was happy nervous

Neev: why

Jasmine: me and Austin been talking for two years so he was like my bestfrien and I loved it

Neev: Austin do you think you guys will date soon

Me: yeah I really do like her and jasmine knows that for like two years

Neev: jasmine are you happy he message you that day

Jasmine: yeah

Later that year me and jasmine started going out.

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