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Justin POV

( go on YouTube or something and play baby don't cut by B-mike) Me and jacky ran to jacky rooms and looked at Ariana to see her eyes rolled back I went sit her up and yelled SOMEONE CALLED 911! I started crying I went picked up Ariana and told jacky I'm going to the hospital. Instead of taking a car I went and ran to the hospital and when I came in I took her to a room and yelled for a doctor.

Doctor: you can't come in

Me: I'm her husband

Doctor: sorry

I was pissed I started crying then I felt two thing on leg and two things on my arm I look to see jazzy and Jaxon and Justin Jr and Jacky.

Jacky(baby): dad whwat happen

Me: nothing baby are you hungry

Jacky(baby): yeah

Me: guys let's go

I went took the four oldest to get food at the machine and I got them some juice. And they all sat down and that's when Julianna started crying. I went carried her and rocked her back to forth while jacky V held Julianna. Then Bach and Alex and Destorm and the rest of her vining crew came Destorm and Alex came up to my face.

Me: what

Alex: what happen to Ariana

Me: she cut herself

Alex & Destorm: told you they should marry

Me: what

Destorm: look at Ariana before you too started dating nothing ever happen to her

Me: were famous

Destorm: you need to face the fact that at this bull that happen to Ariana is your fault

Me: I ain't gonna fight in front of my kids

Destorm: own up did you do this

Me: no we had a fight but cuddle and made up and I woke up to her crying and a razor in her hand okay if you saw your wife or girlfriend or someone you love in that situation what would you do leave them

Destorm: I don't want you together and more

Me: whose she going listen to to some friends or the father of her kids

Destorm: watch bieber

Me: oh which bieber there 7 in this hospital

Destorm: I would punch you right now

Me: then you will half go leave

Destorm: yeah and I'm hear for one reason like all of us to see how Ariana is I could careless about you I care about her

Me: and I'm not say for you to like me

Alex: yo break this up okay Ariana kids are watching okay how would you too feel when Ariana hears her husband and best friend were arguing cause if she cry I'm pounding both of y'all okay so both of you step up and think about your kids

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