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Sorry been busy lately I gonna update as soon as possible ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Ari P.O.V

I turned around to see Jai. Ever since the break up I have have been doing a whole lot better with out him.

Jai: umm Ariana I was was wondering if yoy wanted to get back together

Justin: no she can't okay

Jai: I wasn't talking to Bieber what did you say Ariana

Ari: umm Justin I'm really sorry

Justin: no don't do it Ari

Jai: yess

Ari: Nope Jai I will never in a billion years go back out with you okay know leave and never come back if you do I will get a restraining order

Jai: okay you could have her Bieber

I went hoped in the car as I just got in the car my brother gave me a high five for what I did to Jai. I don't need him I need Justin I need him to be there for me.

Justin: Ari you got me scared there for a minute

Ari: that's the point

We went back home and watch a movie with my brother. My brother put on guy court man I love this show don't judge. (Hey just to let you know other than csi and things like guy court is like my top 5 favorite). During the show Justin went and wrapped his arms around my hips and then whisper baby I love you. I couldn't help but blush man I'm falling for him really hard then I whisper back yea I do and I love you too. We watch guy court until we fell asleep which was like 2 in the morning.

*Next morning*

I woke up this morning went upstairs took a bath, brushed my teeth, got ready. I went made breakfast for me, Justin, and Joe. While I was make eggs ham and bacon I heard noise.

Joe: hey Ariana

Me: hey Joey

Samantha: hey Ari

Me: OMG samantha I haven't seen you in a while

Samantha: I know we should hang out more

Me: yea Samantha have you eat something yet

Sam: no

Me: we'll here and Joe your foods on the table

I finished making Justin's food I went to the living room and woke him up he went gave me a quick kiss and ran up stairs to the bathroom. When he left his phone started ring I went slide answer.

Me: hello

???: Justin baby

1) who was calling Justin

2) do you think Jai's gonna bother Ari or Justin

3) do you like the book

4) do you want to be apart of the book

5) who do you ship

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