The cause

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Justin POV

So its been 4 days since me and Ariana was on the Ellen show. She's having the cause today we have so much stuff he have stuff selling on line and more. Beyonce felt really back so she cut her hair and we are gonna sell it. She did the same with her kids. Miley Cyrus, Demi Lovato, Iggy Azalea, Michael Jackson family, Jason Derulo, Chris Brown, Lil Wayne, Ed sheeran, Usher, Justin Timberlake, and so much more people are helping us out cause we have money but we half to wate a lot for are family to be together. I don't want to see my brother and sister split up and Ariana wants the same for her brother and sister. So we honestly want the best for are family and are wedding so this is a challenge like we are getting everything ready for are wedding. So I went and got dress in a tux and help the boys get ready while Ariana got the girls. When she was done she was beautiful. We went hoped in the limo and went to the event.

Ellen: guys we got so bunch bids

Ariana: wait time did you guys start the event

Ellen: no it just started on line so far Beyonce hair is going for 26 thousand

Me: wow

Ellen: yeah I got to go

Ariana: okay kids let's sit at our table

We put the kids in the play room expect Bella. Ariana was holding her Bella was so cute in the dress she beautiful.

Beyonce: hey guys

Me: hey

Beyonce: this must be Bella

Ariana: yes

Beyonce: well what you to been through my family is glad to help with all of you I heard that if it goes as I think it will each kid could get 10 thousand and you would have 50 thousand dollars to give to the people like you guys

Ariana: oh my god

Beyonce: we are all family and honestly you guys half to grow up really quick and I did to much now you guys half to act my age and raise 5 kids and help your brother land on his feet

Ariana: god did this for a reason

Beyonce: well maybe my kids and your kids can have a play date

Ariana: yes I would like that maybe me and you and the girl could go shopping and the boys do something else

Beyonce: yes here my number call me and we figure out what day maybe when you guys get your break

Ariana: yes

Beyonce: I got to go to the bathroom be right back

Ariana: okay

Me: baby.

Ariana: yes

Me: you were talking to Beyonce

Ariana: I know

Me: wow

Ariana: baby

Me: yes

Ariana: I'm gonna go change Bella you to have some fun talk

James: fine

Ariana POV

I went to the bathroom and change Bella. When I got a text say Carlos is in jail I told Carlos on Monday if he goes to jail don't come near me I don't want them around that and plus some things up with him he's not the same anymore. He wants me to pay everything for him like I got a family to be worrying about I mean I want Bella to have nice closes and nice things I want her to have a nice life like I want her life better than mine do better live her life like she should have fun. I went back to the event and I went to get Bella a bottle. I went sat down feeding her then I burpt her.

Demi: hey

Me: hey demi

Demi: can I hold her

Me: don't shake her I just feed her

Demi: OK

Me: I saw your new video

Demi: oh yeah I like it I had fun

Me: I loved it

Demi: girl you got your hands full

Me: yes but Justin's here for me

Demi: if Justin busy call me I will come to help you

Me: oh my god thank you I really needed this

Demi: so if you had your own girl what would her name be

Me: probably Pattie but the second one maybe like a unique name like yours

Demi: yeah I'm happy you guys are getting married I mean if you look at Justin you can see he really loves you like you can feel it like its no for the fame its for you so I honestly think you got a keeper don't let him go

Me: I would never I love him to much to do that

Demi: yes I could see it in your eyes when ever anyone says his name you get the biggest smile in the world your smile is pretty so what ever TMZ says don't listen listen to your heart if you think he's cheating ask of you think something up ask him

Me: thanks you so so so much demi

Demi: girl I'm here

So when the event was over we raise 480,000 that was just at the event. Every kid gets 48k and the charites that 4 people choose each get. 48k. So today was a good day so since we go on tour soon I'm buy the kids maybe 10 outfits each so they are good with Bella money I want to buy her like frozen things if not something cute cause I want her to not always sleep between me and Justin.

Justin: baby the kids are good we are good

Me: know we half to worry about buy them dresses and that's it and also the wedding which is in a month and 15 days

Justin: I know baby me and you would finally get married

Me: I know

Justin: so whose gonna go watch the kids

Me: maybe James and Pattie

Justin: yes Pattie get jazzy and jaxon since they are already use to her and James gets Luke and Chantal and then we just need to know who gets Bella

Me: maybe Pattie if she wants to

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