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Ariana P.O.V

I don't want to believe that Justin forgot our Anniversary so I went did my make up. Curled my hair, put on a short dress above the knee. Then I got a. All from Justin yes he remember about our anniversary.

Me: hello

Justin: hey babe

Me: what you doing

Justin:chilling with the boys but can you go to the laundry mat and I left something the can you bring it to me

Me: sure babe I love you

Justin: I love you too bye babe

Me: bye

I went hoped into the car and drove to the laundry mat. Once I walked in a lady gave me a note I opened it up and read it.

Hey sorry it's at the dance studio across the street. But I love you babe so much I can't wait until our anniversary tomorrow with you ~ Justin

I went walked across the street but it was a pet shop what? Oh my god Justin I hate you just kidding I love him with all my heart. I walked up to the let shop there was another note man Justin.

Hey sorry again just walk forward until you get to the flower shop but 2 more days until our anniversary babe ~ your own Justin Bieber

I walked to the flower shop it took about 5 minutes to get there. Once I got there there was another note Justin how many more notes.

Hey babe you finally got here it took you a while right but what I need is right behind you ~ best girlfriend I. The world I love you until the end

I turned around to she Justin in a suit he quickly went and kissed me passionately. When we finished I smiled then hugged him I want to cry I think I did but I didn't care the man I love is right here.

Justin: hey babe

Me: I can't believe you but you forgot our anniversary but what

Justin: okay I made you think I forgot our anniversary to see this look on your face

Me: I love you so much Justin Drew Bieber

Justin: and I love you so much Ariana Grande Butera


1) do you miss Avalanna if you do comment Mrs.Bieber

2) when Justin got arrested it showed who the true beliebers are and if you are one of them comment True Belieber don't be ashamed be proud

3) Fake Bell needs to shut up because there are 48 million beliebers that will attack him at any second. He jealous of Justin but who isn't but he doesn't need to talk stuff I mean like he make way more money than him but at least we have Alfredo and Mike Posner

~ I love you guys and believe in Kidrauhl and keep on supporting Justin Bieber

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