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Ariana POV

Me: where were you

Justin: studios

Me: who is she

Justin: what

Me: who is she

Justin: I don't know who your talking about

Me: Justin how many times have you cheated

Justin: none

Me: Justin I'm done tell me the truth

Justin: I never did

Me: I'm done

Justin: me too

Justin grabbed his things and left I tried not to cry in case the kids came down. I went to bed an hour later and cried and cried my eyes out until I couldn't no more. I looked at my stomach and whispered but I'm pregnant. I stopped crying and went to bed.

~1 month later~

Me and Justin haven't talked since last month I called usher to talk to him about it.

Usher: what's up

Me: Umm me and Justin are on a break

Usher: what happen

Me: I asked him if he cheated and I only do stuff like that when I'm pregnant

Usher: your pregnant

Me: with 4

Usher: so your mood all over the place

Me: yeah but this time I just was being mean to Justin and I wanted you help to meet him. Side I've called text FaceTime and he doesn't respond

Usher: go to my house and text me when your ready and I'll call just tell him we need to talk and stuff and instead of me there it would be you

Me: the girls

Usher: there at work

Me: okay

I went in the car and drove to ushers house when I got there I went to the bathroom and looked at my stomach to see I'm showing a little bit. I put my shirt down and text usher saying ready. I went to the living room and sat down. It's now or never. After 5 minutes of waiting I heard the door open. Then Justin's voice I smiled hearing it.

Justin: usher.... Ush oh do you know where usher is

Me: yeah but can we talk

Justin: yeah

He sat down on a different chair and looked at me.

Me: baby I'm sorry the way I acted please come back

Justin: so you can keep saying I'm cheating

Me: baby I'm sorry please

Justin: why should I

Me: I'm having four kids

Justin: really

Me: yeah

Justin: what's the gender

Me: boy

Justin: there all boys

Me: yeah

Justin: wow

Me: baby I'm sorry for the way I acted

Justin: no I'm sorry for the way I acted baby and yes I will come home

Me: the kids missed you

Justin: and I missed them

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